Chapter 6

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Marla looked upon the group of several horses filled with supplies. The day blazed hot in the daytime fell to the coming of the cool night. The sky stained with the colors of muted cerulean and sepia hues. She felt it was an omen. For as long as she knew John and Garret, she felt she can trust them with her life. Yet, when she thought of Gwen, she wondered if she can place her trust in men who was enthrall with the Eriel. She felt foolish thinking this way, but she did.

She watch Garret fidgeting with all of the supplies. He dressed in a silver and blue armor. He had his shield with his coat of arms on it attached to his warhorse, Zieteg. He looked good in full armor, but she was mad he was dressed this way to impress Gwen. He was so excited he did not notice the gossip about the plague. Yet, Marla heard from the baker's assistance that the walls of the village and castle was closing tonight.

Marla made sure her sack filled with herbs and a healing spell book was attached to her horse. She wore riding clothes and had a blue gown fitted with emeralds and a statin green cape in a traveling sack. She had to make sure she looked presentable when they would meet the King of Absalom. Marla saw several people moving toward them. She recognized John. The other two people were dressed in a long cowl and robe. She picked out the Eriel. Gwen was the shorter of the two.

John looked nervous. He said, "We should leave."

"Hey," Garret said, "I am the leader. Who is this?"

John looked around. "This is Gwen, and this is Sir Brett."

Brett looked at him.

Garret bowed. "Sorry, my liege, I did not recognize you."

"It's fine, Garret. Just call me Brett."

"Yes, your majesty."

John shook his head. Two knights followed them with several horses. Marla wondered what was transpiring here. The prince was coming with them. This expedition was becoming interesting.

"Hello Marla," the prince said. He was handsome in an aristocratic way. John was slim compared to the prince. Her face reddened.

Garret said, "Your majesty is your guards coming with us?"


Marla sensed Garret wanted to say something, but held his tongue. His leadership was being challenged. John moved between them.

He said, "Garret, are we ready?"

They mounted their steeds and rode down the street. Marla noticed John kept on looking back at the castle. She moved her horse closer to his. It seemed odd they started their journey at night.

She said, "John, you seem nervous."

"I'm fine."

The gate was still open as they passed through it. The guards nodded to them. The darkness of the night came with the sounds of crickets and owls. She attached a glowing lamp to her saddle. The full moon illuminated their road. Garret kept a vigorous pace. She looked at Gwen, who was riding in the middle of the group. She looked so small in her stead. Marla wondered if she was a little girl.

The village of Baelen disappeared as the forest engulfed their small group. Garret slowed down to a trot. Marla touched her horse's neck and felt the animal's strong muscles. Her magical senses can feel the animal's life force. Her steed was strong and could run all night if need be. She hoped Garret would not test her theory. They headed toward the Teeth of Anglars due north east from here. This was their starting point of their journey toward Absalom, which to her recollection from her studies was located on the North West tip of this kingdom. She studied the map with Garret this afternoon. The parchment was faded, and most of the markings was gone but the area was clearly shown.

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