Chapter 34

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The wyvern turned toward Brett. He was brandishing a long spear and ran toward the beast. Several knights followed him shouting war cries. A spear flew through the air and hit the thick hide of the wyvern and fell to the ground. The wyvern looked at him with red eyes. Brett almost faltered, but he persisted and ran forward.

He still had his weapon in hand and waited until he had an opening. When he was a few feet from the beast, he abruptly turned to his left. A geyser of fire squirted at him from the creature's mouth. A few knights were hit and screamed in agony. The smell of burned flesh assailed his nose. He gagged and ran toward the creature. He knew he only had scant seconds to get close enough to hurt it. Brett saw the vulnerable spot. It was the creature's underbelly. The wyvern almost stood upright on its hind legs ready to launch forth another breathe of fire. He held the weapon higher already feeling his muscles tense in anticipation of throwing the spear deep into the wyvern. Something flanked him on his left side. The creature's serpentine tail struck him on his ribs sending him flying in the air hitting a boulder and rolling several feet. He tried to stand but staggered back. His spear was gone but he still had his broadsword, which was next to him where he sat.

Brett fumbled for his weapon. He brandished it and stood upright. What he saw surprised him. The wyvern, ogres and lizard men ran away from them and maneuver toward the castle. Brett had a sinking feeling in his chest. John and his friends was in trouble. The prince look upwards at the citadel and saw lights flashing in the windows. He needed to go up there now. Looking around, he found a group of knight with horses.

"Men, I need a horse. And any men who had courage and strength of arms to follow me."

The knights said, "Yes, my liege."

They gave him a steed and he rushed behind the fleeing black knights army. He moved toward the Royal army and the group the king himself commanded. They saw him following the enemy and they moved behind him in an arrow formation.

Brett caught up to the nearest ogre and attacked. He killed several creatures. The main bulk of the wizard's army was rushing backward into Vesparium. He did not wonder what he was going to do when he caught up to the enemy, or if he can enter the dark castle. Brett wanted to gain entrance to the building and find his friends.

He saw a mountain rise up before him. The enemy was entering a large gate. The door was closing, and a handful of ogres and lizard men scrambled to get inside. Brett was not going to make it. He was surprised all the wizard's army entered the mountain.

He reigned in his horse and sensed something was amiss. The royal army also stopped from behind him. He looked around him and only saw rolling hills and skeletal trees. A horse cantered up to him.

"Prince Brett, what is happening here?"

He saw it was one of the Royal commanders. His name was Sir Charles, a very competent leader.

"I'm not sure. But be on guard."

Suddenly, he heard a loud booming noise from the castle up above. Lights flickered again in the windows of the edifice, and the ground started to shake. The prince hefted his sword. He glanced behind him and looked at the Royal army staring all around. The tremors started to get stronger.

Appearing out of nowhere, the wyverns and giant bats attacked. The prince said, "It's a trap. Pull in ranks and defend yourself."

* * *

John peered around the room. The green mist dissipated and he did not see the evil wizard anywhere.

"Gwen," he said, "is Suprum correct that you cannot come back?"

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