Chapter 10: Broken Hearts

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I walked into Oasis with a purpose, my mission statement? Get drunk as fuck. I was so over the week I had, Micky is a...

I growled, taking the shot Jaymie held out to me and throwing it back, she looked offended so I clinked our glasses after the liquid had burned a path down my throat.

"Well shit, now we got seven years of bad luck." She grumbled, throwing her shot back reluctantly.

I snorted, "I'm pretty sure that's not it." I signaled the bar tender for another round, "Not like bad luck could make my life any more worse."

"Damn, tell mama what happened."

I side eyed Jay, noting the little bouncy dance she was doing and her wet and wavy wig, it looked good. "Well, I'm stuck babysitting Micky for the foreseeable future." I began, actually smiling when the dude brought over two more glasses, "And he's just such a..."

"Jackass?" She suggested eagerly, grabbing my wrist and making us clink glasses before I could throw mine back.

I rolled my eyes, "No."

"Prick? Asshole? Douche? Let me know if I'm getting closer," She giggled, clearly she had been drinking before I got here.

I frowned, raising my hand so I could order an actual drink. "No bitch, he's a charming little bastard. You should've seen the investors we met with earlier this week, they were fucking putty in his hands." I groaned, the memories of him in those meetings, all commanding and in charge and shit... I shifted on my stool and ordered a pineapple vodka.

"You want anything, Jay?" The guy asked, looking at her skeptically. Jaymie perked up, reached for a menu and missed. I looked at the bartender who looked at me, "Water?"


He smirked, his eyes flicking over my face before he nodded, "Coming right up."

"How do you know him?" I asked Jaymie who was frowning at the menu that she finally got ahold of.

She slammed it on the bar, "Know who?"

"The bartender."

"Oh him?" She pointed, hard, at the man making our drinks. I pushed her hand down and nodded. "He goes to my gym, the one I keep inviting you too but you're always too busy," She used air quotes but her fingers were moving at different paces.

"Well he's fine, you should hit it."

"Nah, he's not my type?"

I took a quick glance at the dude and scoffed, "Since when is fit, bearded and chocolate not your type?" I asked incredulously, smiling politely when he returned.

He set our drinks down and leaned forward, "On the house, enjoy your night ladies." He even added a wink.

I smacked Jayme's leg as soon as he left us. "Bitch."

She waved me off, "Stop it, we're just friends. Now finish telling me about Micky, he's super charming?"

I nodded, grabbing my drink as my mind headed straight down that path, I groaned. "Remember how Claire told me not to fall for his charms?"

"Oh no."


"Well shit," Jaymie grabbed her water and brought the straw to her lips. After a couple sips she cringed, "This isn't cranberry vodka."

I narrowed my eyes, looking pointedly at the clear liquid in her cup. "No, Jay, it's not."

She groaned, "Fuck it, let's dance." She grabbed my hand and whisked me away.




"Scoot. Over."


I looked at the back of her head like, the fuck? "Because hoe, you're ass is making an imprint on my thigh and I'm good."

She moaned and groaned loudly, wiggling her body about, making a whole scene, "There." She huffed after barely moving a centimeter.

"You're joking right?"

"Damn it, Lori," She exploded, quite literally, popping up to a sitting position so she could glare down at me. "What do you want from me? I'm heart broken! Can't I snuggle up with my cousin?"

I rolled my eyes, pushing to a sitting position as well, if you can't deduct from context clues, Charity and Cole broke up. Something happened, I'm pretty sure he cheated, she won't be one hundred about it but I'm giving her time, she wanted to marry that nigga. Anyways, so she's been crashing at my place while she looks for a new one because she just can't bare to live in that apartment, alone.

So I said sure, not only to be supportive but also I'd be a huge ass if I said no considering she housed me for a year after my heartbreak. Although, I can not do this sharing a bed thing for a year, a month... tops... maybe.

Charity was looking at me with huge puppy dog eyes, wet and watery and red, her bottom lip sticking all the way out. I sighed, flopping back onto my pillow with my arms out, "Okay, fine. Snuggle up."

She squealed, actually curling into my side. "Thank you, Lo. I know I'm a pain in the ass."

I had to bite back the agreeing remark, instead I asked, "Was I like this?"

"Ha, no, you pretended you were okay for the first month while crying in your room every night. It wasn't until month two when you started opening up to me." She muttered, pressing her cheek into my shoulder, she smelled like vanilla.

"Yeah, I really didn't want you in my business, I thought you'd judge me." I admitted, bringing my free hand to tug my scarf down over my edges.

"Understandable," She paused, "Let's talk about something else, I'm honestly about to cry."

"Okay," I shifted, my shoulder already getting sore, I don't know how guys do this. "Micky is turning out to be a problem." I tried shifting again, gosh damn. Especially if their shorty has a big head, shout out to y'all.

"How so?"

I took in a deep breath, my eyes following a pattern in the popcorns on my ceiling. "He's charming as fuck."

"Ugh, don't fall for it, charm only gets you a long relationship with an emotionally unavailable guy. I don't want to get married... fuck these commitment-phobe ass niggas." Charity growled, the hand resting on my side curling into a fist.

So that's what happened... sounds familiar.

"Amen to that." I grumbled. "I can't believe Ace dumped me because he thought I wanted marriage."

"But you did, didn't you?"

"I mean in the future, yeah? But shit, at least Cole talked to you about it."

"Talking would require civility and kindness. This nigga straight up told me he doesn't want to get married and that he's leaving me." I felt the tear hit my collarbone before she could wipe it away, "Fuck. I love him."

"Oh Charity," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her tight against me. "I'm here for you, girly. I got you."

I'm sorry y'all, I know this chapter is short as heck! Just wanted to have an update for you all and let you know that updates will probably/most definitely get slower because I'm heading back to school *woot woot*. But bare with me, I have already started working on the next chapter so update will be on time next week!! 😭 LOVE Y'ALL, see yah Wednesday 💕

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