Chapter 15: The Meeting

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Montreal was gorgeous. Yes, it was freezing and yes I think I caught a cold but it's nothing long nights of no sleep and a ton of coffee can't fix.

I cracked my neck, loving the blast of hot air on my face as I rode in the back of the town car. That coupled with my hot coffee was splendid, "Maybe today won't be so bad-oh come on." I hissed after we hit something and a bunch of coffee came up and spilled on my skirt.

"I'm sorry miss," My driver said, sounding more robotic than anything.

I sighed, using the end of my jacket to dab the hot stuff away before it could stain. "It's not too bad."

"Should we go back to the hotel?"

"No, I'll be late then." I leaned back into the seat and let out the longest breath. "It's okay, todays gonna be okay." I whispered as my stomach began turning itself into knots.

I was just headed to another business meeting with my business partner Micky and our potential client Ace. And, who knew, maybe Ace wouldn't even be in the meeting! He could be visiting one of his other locations.

The NCV bars really took off, the Palm and the Mount in Cali both were doing really well when I left and he had just opened one in... New York... I'm an idiot. Of course Oasis is one of his bars, why didn't I realize that earlier?

I groaned, rubbing my forehead, worse case scenario Ace says no and storms out like the giant ass baby he is. Best case scenario he- well, there's not point in thinking about that one. I brought the coffee cup up to my lips and let the hot liquid pour over my tongue until it filled my mouth.

I wonder what Dustin's up to?

Random thought but true, he's been in Spain for a couple days now. I pray his accommodations are to his liking and that he enjoys his stay.

Ew, that sounded so formal.

I rolled my eyes, I can unpack that later, right now, I had to get it together before we arrived. I let my eyes close and began to regulate my breathing.

"We're here."

"Of course," I muttered, taking a moment to finish up before grabbing my things. My driver opened my door, I gave him the best smile I could muster as I offered thanks before heading into the industrial office building that Ace has been renting a few rooms in since he expanded to two locations.

I unlocked my phone as I waited on the elevator to see if Micky, nope, he hasn't said anything since he landed an hour ago. I took in a deep breath, taking a couple more long sips of coffee before the elevator arrived.

I rode it up to the fifth floor with one stop to pick up a janitorial lady, she was playing CeCe Winans, good choice.

"You have a good day!" I said to the lady, hoping some of her good spirits would rub off and stick with me.

"You too dear! Knock em dead," She winked.

I stepped off, actually feeling a little better.

"Good morning, you must be from Astrid?" The pretty brunette receptionist asked, her blue eyes wide. I nodded, my voice getting stuck in my throat. Was I gonna have to do this alone? "Awesome, your partner is in the waiting room. I can take you there." She offered, standing to her feet.

My body instantly relaxed in relief, "That would be great." I said honestly, waiting on her to round the tall desk before following her literally around the corner.

"Here you are, good luck!" She smiled, holding up a thumb, I appreciated it.

Especially as I stepped into the waiting area and saw Micky flirting with another pretty brunette. I cleared my throat, dropping my half full coffee into the trash can and slowly walking further into the small space.

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