Bagong Mundo

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  All I remember was being kidnapped by those white men, putting me in their ship, and then a raging storm came wrecking the ship to bits.....

Falling into the dangerous crashing waters, it was all a blur.....

My body slowly failing, the ocean becoming colder and colder by the minute then....

Everything turned black.








( Note: When she is going to speak in ancient tagalog language, I'm going to use this font )

==== 3rd P.O.V ====

"Oh my gosh! I-Is that a woman....encased in the ice?!"

It was a very cold morning, some fishermen on the ship stumbled upon an iceberg. Baffled on what they saw they immediately call the media, making a huge scoop for the people.

The ships pulled the iceberg towards the shore, many people waiting to see what the fishermen have found.

After that, the encased body and artifacts was sent to the scientists for further investigation.

Will she be alright? In the hands of, him.

3 YEARS LATER...........

"BITAWAN NINYO AKO!! MGA HAYOP!! BITAWAN NYO AKO!!" Yelled the struggling woman who is forcefully held by two semi-buff men, making their way to the lab.

There, she met him again, the man with a gas mask and beside him is his accomplice with a sick grin on his face and his eyes held with dark intent. The woman glared at them with hate and wishing that they drop dead. The man with the gas mask pointed at the chair, the two which held the woman, automatically went to the chair and forcefully sat her there putting the restraints on her hands, neck, and feet.

Struggling again, shouting profanities at the two, "Pakawalan ninyo ako dito!" She yelled, as the man with the gas mask grabbed a huge syringe containing a weird substance. She struggled more at the sight of the syringe, which made his blonde accomplice chuckle at her pitiful state. 

"Don't worry Tala-chan~ we've already done this multiple times, but~ it will only hurt a lot~ and please use English or Japanese, the others and I already taught you how to speak these languages."

"Let....Tala....go!...Scumbags!" Tala said, still trying to break the restraints.

"Fufufu~ that won't be easy to break, Tala-chan. Not like the last time." He said as his boss puts the tip of the syringe at Tala's arm.

When the strange substance is now inserted in her body, she felt her body burn up like she was thrown into a volcano. She screamed at the top of her lungs making some fragile things, like glass, shatter or crack. This made the man with blond hair cover his ears, as for the man with the gas mask, he just stared at her.

"Elf. Activate the volts." He commanded his accomplice. "Yes Sir." Elf said and went to the controls, he smiled wickedly at Tala and pressed the red button.

Tala was intantly hit by electricity coming from her chair, the pain that she's feeling right now increases to the point that her eyes glowed light blue, as well as her tattoos, and nerves lighting up.

"Supervisor, it's beautiful." Elf's eyes widen in fascination, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! TAMA.NA!!!!!" That was the last straw for Tala, with all her might she broke the restraints, volts making her look intimidating.

Then after that everything went black in Tala's vision.....



Welp hope you like it guys :3

By the way here's Tala's Bio:

Name: Tala

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (looks like a teenager)

Ethnicity: Filipino

Height: 5'0

Weight: 47 kg

Blood Type: O

Hair color: Long black hair that reaches to her feet

Eye color: Dark brown (almost black)

Relations: ?

Status: Active

Occupation: Traveler (was) ------- Inmate (soon)


BITAWAN NINYO AKO!! MGA HAYOP!! BITAWAN NYO AKO!! - Let me go!! (bad word) Let me go!!

Pakawalan ninyo ako dito! - Release me!

Tama na!!!! - Stop!!!


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