💖Chapter 7💖

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*No one's POV*

You woke up and checked your phone, you had so many texts and calls from Jace you hopped in the shower and all you could think about was Jace. You got out of the shower and changed into this

You went downstairs and just sat on the couch using your phone

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You went downstairs and just sat on the couch using your phone. Then you hear the doorbell ring. You get up and walk to the door, you open it and saw Jaxson

Jaxson: Hey Y/n

Y/n: What do you want!

Jaxson: well you don't have to be rude

Y/n: Ugh what do you want

Jaxson: I left my wallet in your room when I came yesterday

Y/n: oh well to bad I don't care

Jaxson: Oh come on I have my money in there

Y/n: I don't care!

Jaxson: Please I really need my wallet

Y/n: Ugh fine hurry up

Jaxson walks upstairs and goes into your room to look for his wallet. You walk back to the couch and sit. Then you hear a knock on the door.

Y/n: Ugh really I just sat down

You get up and open the door

Y/n: Jace!

You go and hug him tight and he hugs you back. Then you remembered that Jaxson was up in your room looking for his wallet and he said that you couldn't see Jace or he would kill him.

Y/n: oh no Jace you have to go now

Jace: what why?

Y/n: please it's not safe

Jaxson walks down the stairs and see 's, Jace

Jaxson: what the heck!

Y/n: Jace oh no go now please
*tear rolls down your eye*

Jaxson pulls out a gun and points it at Jace, then he fires the gun

Y/n: NO!

You push Jace out of the way and the bullet hits you in the arm and you fall to the ground.

Y/n: Ah!

Jace runs to Jaxson and slams his head to the wall which makes Jaxson blackout, Then Jace runs over to you.

Jace: Y/n! *tear rolls down his eye*

Y/n: Jace it hurts *cries*

You say while grabbing your arm

Jace: Y/n just hold on im calling 911

Jace calls 911 and soon the paramedics come and take you to the hospital, As for Jaxson the police took him to Jail. Jace was waiting in the waiting room then a doctor walks up to him.

Doctor: Y/n's family

Jace stood up and walked over to the doctor

Jace:Her parents couldn't make it but I'm her boyfriend

Doctor: ok so Y/n is okay we took the bullet out of her arm

Jace: oh thank god

Doctor: you may see her if you like

Jace: ok thank you

Doctor: follow me

Jace followed the doctor to your room.

Doctor: I will be right back

Jace: ok thank you

Jace walks over to you and grabs your hand and then you open your eyes

Y/n: ..Jace!...

Jace: Y/n you're ok!

Y/n: Jace I love you

Jace: I love you too baby

Y/n: wait where's Jaxson

You start to panic and begin to cry

Jace: hey hey it's ok Jaxson is in jail and he won't bother you or me again

Jace gives you a kiss on your forehead

Y/n: Jace I never wanted to break up with you Jaxson made me and he said if I didn't then he would kill you and I didn't want that to happen

Jace: hey its ok I love you and that's all that matters

Jace gave you a gentle hug

Jace: I called your parents and told them what happened they wanted to come back from there business trip but I told them that they don't need to worry that I got everything covered.

Y/n: ok

2 days later....

The part of your arm where you got shot was wrapped around with bandages

Doctor: ok so Y/n is ready to be checked out she just can't be doing things that may hurt her arm like driving or be handling with anything heavy she just needs to rest for a few days.

Jace: ok

Jace checked you out of the hospital and took you home. He parked his car and walked into your house, he carried you bridal style to your bed and lays down next to you

Jace: There you go, princess

Y/n: *laughs* thanks Jace

Jace leans in and starts to kiss you wrap your one good arm around his neck and he puts his hands on your hips. Then he moves down to your neck, he finds your sweet spot and starts to kiss it.

Y/n: *moans*

Jace stops and looks at you

Jace: ugh I can't do anything to you right now

Y/n: *laughs*

Jace: I love you baby girl

Y/n: I love you too Jace

Hope you enjoyed this chapter  😁💞

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