💖Chapter 12💖

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The next morning.....

You wake up and Jace is still sleeping all of your clothing is on the floor which means you were naked. Jace's hand was on your waist you carefully grab his hand and put it to the side. You check your phone and see your mom had texted you last night and said she would be home today later in the afternoon. You get up and walk to the bathroom your lower stomach was hurting because of last night. You take a shower and change into this

You went to brush your teeth, you look into the mirror and see a bright purple hickey on your neck

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You went to brush your teeth, you look into the mirror and see a bright purple hickey on your neck. Your eyes widened because you remembered your mom was coming home today and she had told you a long time ago if she ever saw you with a hickey she would be very disappointed in you and would ground you for a month

Y/n: oh no no no!

You walked out of your bathroom and see Jace waking up. You walk over to your desk where you keep your makeup.

Jace: hey baby

Y/n: hey Jace

You walk over to Jace and give him a quick kiss then walk back over to the makeup desk

Jace: what are you doing

Y/n: trying to cover this *points to the hickey*

Jace's eyes widened

Jace: oh no I'm sorry baby girl I didn't even realize I gave you that hickey last night

Y/n: no it's ok it's just my mom and dad are coming back today in the afternoon and I need to cover this hickey because If I don't my mom will kill me!

Jace gets off the bed and walks up to you. You look down at Jace's thing

Jace: what?

Y/n: umm you might wanna put some boxers and pants on

Jace: right

Jace walks over to where his clothes were and puts his boxers and pants on then Jace walks over to you and wraps his hand around your waist and pulls you closer

Y/n: ow

Jace: whats wrong

Y/n: my lower stomach hurts

Jace: why *laughs*

Y/n: because you shoved your thing into me multiple times last night

Jace: *laughs* I'm sorry baby girl I didn't mean to hurt you

Y/n: *smiles* you're really cute

Jace: *smiles* I know I am

You give Jace a peck on the lips and then hear someone calls out from downstairs

Lily: I'm home!

Y/n: Lily!

Jace: what

Y/n: Lily is really good at makeup maybe she can help me cover up this hickey

You run downstairs and see Lily in the kitchen so you go up to her

Y/n: Lily!

Lily: oh hey sis what's up

Y/n: I need you to help me with something

Lily: what is it

Y/n: but you have to promise me that you won't tell mom

Lily: oh no what did you do

Y/n: I did nothing

Lily: oh thank god ok so then what do you need

Y/n: since your really good at makeup I need your help covering up this

*you pull your hair out of the way and point to the hickey*

Lily: oh my gosh Y/n you got a hickey

Y/n: yes please don't tell mom she will kill me

Lily: I promise I won't tell her

Y/n: thank you now can you help me cover it

Lily: of course how do you think I cover up all of my hickeys

Y/n: what!

Lily: I mean let's go get that hickey covered up *laughs nervously*

You and Lily walk upstairs into her room. Then Jace walks into the room

Jace: hey babe I'm gonna go home and take a shower ill see you later

Y/n: ok *smiles*

Jace gives you a peck on the lips and walks downstairs, to the front door then he gets in his car and drives off. Lily finishes covering up your hickey.

Lily: there you go!

Y/n: oh my gosh you can't even tell I have a hickey

Lily: I know I'm a miracle worker

Y/n: *laughs*

Lily: now that the hickey is covered can you tell me how you got it

Y/n: Umm... I...umm...it...

Lily: you did something with Jace yesterday while I was gone didn't you

Y/n: what! No it's just we were watching a movie and we had a little make-out session and he might have accidentally given me a hickey

*you say lying*

Lily: uh huh yeah ok *laughs*

Y/n: you can't prove anything

Lily: whatever *laughs*

Y/n: I'm going to my room

Before I could open my room door I hear someone call out from the living room

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😁💖

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