The One for Us: Chapter 9

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Firstly I am SO so sorry for not updating for almost three weeks. I've been busy and very distracted. I promise I will start updating regularly. I made this chapter longer than usual as a way to make it up to you guys. So, I hope you enjoy it...hopefully.

Secondly, there's going to be a few time jumps. This one was unexpected and random so I apologise for that as well. 

~A month later~

Bella’s Pov:

My morning was peaceful. I woke up in the pure bliss of silence and the slight warmth from the sunlight that was sneaking in through my curtains. I was too relaxed also very tired to awake from my slumber so I decided to sleep in a little. I heard the door creek and light footsteps shuffling towards the bed, but that didn’t stop me from falling into deeper sleep.

Just as I thought I was deep asleep I was awaken by the sudden temperature change when I felt the blankets rip off my body. Austin had scooped me up into his arms and carried me bridal style out the bed and into the wardrobe. “Austin…” I complained, my voice raspy. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked, half asleep.

“We’re going to Alan’s, we need to get dressed.” He told me excitedly and dropped me onto my two feet and walked away, leaving me in privacy inside the wardrobe.

I groaned and left, making my way back into the warm bed. I stuffed my face into the pillow and dragged the blanket over my bare body. The warmth and relaxation of the bed was enough to put me to sleep again, but the sound of thundering footsteps had awakened me. “Why the hell are in bed again?!” Austin practically yelled and dragged me out of bed again, this time throwing me over his shoulders.

I squealed. “It’s so early! Why on earth are dragging me out of bed now? Alan can wait.” We entered the wardrobe again but this time Austin didn’t leave.

“It’s twelve in the afternoon, Bella…”

I silenced myself for a moment. “Oh.”

“And because,” He began while stripping my shirt off of my body. “His pool is finished being built…and you know what’s today?” He stood behind me and tied my bikini into place, his voice soft and mysterious.

“Mmm, what?” I mumbled.

“We both have a day off.” He leant down and rested his chin on my shoulder, his hands making their way down to my pants where he slowly drew them off.

I placed my hands on top of his, halting him from going any further. “I can take over from here.” I smirked at him.

He leaned closer, his lips just centimetres away from my neck. “Well, hurry up.” He whispered and walked away, slapping his hand on my behind before he got the chance to leave.

I dressed into the matching bottoms of my bikini top before slithering on a loose dress. I was confused for a second, wondering why on earth we would be swimming in the cold winter. Especially seeing that we hadn’t had one nice sunny day all month. “Austin!” I yelled out and left the wardrobe.

“Down here!” He yelled back from downstairs. I was up here already so I may as well just gather all my belongings together and head downstairs, which is exactly what I did.

I walk out to see Austin waiting by the door, distracted by his phone as usual. “Is it cold outside again because if it is I kind of prefer to stay home rather than freeze my ass off.”

Austin rolled his eyes. “It’s warm today. You’re going to come to Alan’s.” Austin demanded and I raised my hands in defence. “Bring Ellie, I’ll meet you in the car.” And with that he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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