Arrow - Guilt

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I hear a scream from outside. I'm not sure if it's from one of the other classes or from someone in the hall. Either way, something bad's going on. I wait until my classmates aren't watching, then sneak out the door. I duck into an empty classroom, changing into my Arrow costume, and placing on my mask.

I walk down the hallway, extremely wary. I'm nervous, and shocked. I didn't think this would happen. There's no way this could have happened - today of all days?

I wish today could have been a normal day with Nova and I just chilling, and just having fun... no one worrying about the attack half a decade ago. I wonder who the villain is. I might need backup, but I don't want to contact the Justice Crew - they probably don't trust me yet, seeing as I'm not officially allied with them. I'm just your friendly neighborhood hero, not a Justice Crew member!

I notice a notification on my phone - an SOS message... from... Nova? I mentally curse.

She's in danger. I should have gotten prepared earlier, messaged her, checked to see if she was okay! I curse again. If only I had been better prepared, and I had actually thought about my best friend, she wouldn't be in danger.

I should have been more alert! What if she's dead! What if she's hurt, what if she's injured, what if she's captured! So many thoughts rush through my head, but one is louder then the rest.

I've failed Nova.

I've put her in danger, and now I need to save her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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