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There is indeed something magical about chateau de Rambouillet. The air of languid enchantment extends through the endless hallways of glittering chantelliers, beyond the formal garden with radiating canals and avenues, all the way up to the edge of the property where the stable overlooks the lush Rambouillet forest in the distance.

Jimin extends out his arms for a lazy stretch, and soaks in the chilly winter breeze.

The crisp air here is a distinct mix of earthy dried weed scent, invigorated by the vitality of the horses surrounding him. It excites and calms him simultaneously, like nothing in Paris ever could.

The familiar white stallion in front of him is alert, a soft glimmer in his bright brown eyes, tail swaying. Jimin pats his forehead and smiles as the horse nudges into his touch.

Missed me, Buc?

He turns to see Yoongi frowning at the mare in front of him. Much more diminutive in stature, the brown horse has softer curves and an unimpressively lazy stance.

Jimin chuckles, "Lia is gentle, an easy ride for beginners."

Yoongi shoots a sour glance at him, and tucks in his loose shirt dismissively. Jin brought some of Jimin's old hunting outfit for him this morning - shirt, breeches and a pair of worn out leather boots - and commented that "master Yoongi is certain to grumble at the fit".

"I'm starting to think this was nothing more than an exercise in humiliation."

Jimin suppresses a snicker, hands staying busy on the stallion in front of him, checking the saddles for tightness, "It was your idea, practicing riding. And I'm not doing it in your cramped little barrack in town, while we can have all this at Rambouillet."

He extends his gaze out and sighs at the sight. An endless field stretches out in front of them, punctured by a shimmering ravine that ribbons through, bordered by the outline of a dense forest onto the west. The solemnness of winter cannot diminish the beauty of the land, and Jimin feels his mind relaxing at the sight of it.

Home, the land that nurtured him as he grew up, the place that calls to him when he's away and reminding him quietly, of where his heart belongs.

He glances at Yoongi and comments, "You look fine. The clothes are a bit loose but it's the best Jin could do given the short notice."

Yoongi retorts, "Just admit it, you don't want to be seen with someone in a National Guard uniform."

"Well," Jimin arches a brow, "we have always cared for folks in our seigneuries, especially during droughts and war. In return, they've been loyal to my family for centuries. If anything, they are more concerned about the instability that the new assembly brings, I'd say it's for your own safety to not flaunt your identity around here."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and steps towards the saddle, waving off the servants hovering around. His hands grip onto the holster and give it a hard tug. The mare stomps and nickers in response, but stays put. Yoongi digs his foot into the stirrup and climbs on clumsily, pulling his other leg over.

Jimin steps over and scans to check out the details, hands reaching in to loosen his rein, "Looking good. Open up your chest, relax, and you might end up less sore tomorrow."

"Got it. No need to rub it in." Yoongi glares, torso shifting and leaning into the saddle.

Jimin's lips quirk into a grin, "No I mean it, you look good on a horse, where a soldier belongs. Hard to believe, but I'm quite capable at compliments when they are warranted." He glide his hand over Lia's mane, before sauntering away.

Jimin swings himself over his horse swiftly and stops by Yoongi, "Stay with me." He gazes into the cloudy horizon, "We'll go for a short ride, the weather should be able to hold up."

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