Chapter 4

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Gaga's POV


I open my tired eyes and was immediately blinded by the sunlight seeping through the holes in the curtains. I was not a morning person.

Yawning, I lifted my lids once again. I stretched my arms and legs out, but something heavy was in the way. I cocked my head to my right to find Taylor fast asleep.

His grey hair was messy and it seemed to be that he didn't enjoy shaving, but it was alright. He looked absolutely adorable. I turned over and lay down on my belly with my elbows supporting my weight.

Being careful not to wake him up, I pulled the covers off him and started to squeal. Like any other girl, I did fancy a rather bulky man. I climbed on top of him and laughed as a startled, sleepy Taylor awoke from his deep slumber.

"Good morning G- I mean Stef," he groaned, wiping his eyes. Suddenly, he burst out of bed and gasped, standing there in his baby blue boxers. "Oh no, oh no, oh no. Stef, oh no. Did we have sex or something?" He nervously asked, his body stiff as a rock.

His concern for everything really cracked me up. For a man who looked as if he were a player and a badboy, he was more of a princess than anything else.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. "But you're naked, I'm in my boxers and I don't remember last night at all," he shook his head and sighed. "But would you mind if we actually did?" I asked, twirling the loose strands of hair falling onto my left shoulder. Running his fingers through his hair, he smirked, and chuckled, "I guess not."

I walked to the fridge and took out some ingredients. Putting them down on the table, I watched as Taylor put a shirt on, to my disappointment.

"Pancakes?" Taylor asked as he set the table and poured coffee into a cup. "Yes, and I use a teacup," I told him. He shuffled over to the sink and grabbed the blue china teacup labelled "whore". "Now, isn't that elegant?" he joked. "I wear giant heels and underwear in the public, is that the most shocking item in this room?"

Taylor really seemed to be the right guy for me. I was not in love with just his appearance. His personality, laugh and heart. It was even an understatement to call him perfect. He was more than perfect. And he was more than perfect for me.

4 Years: A Gaga and Taylor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now