Description:the vengeful one always wears a hoodie and full black clothing that has chain
And a sachell that he always carries his face always show red eyes and a white grin that rarely moves when he talks it is unknown why he look like this when his hood is up but most likely due to him making it look like thisNatiinality:southeast Asian
Personality:the vengeful one attitude always Changes as he can be very cheerful or dark and serious in an instant he is however his appearance greatly contrast his personality due to him being afraid of scary things and easily revealing his nerdy and childish side but
History:Not much is known about the vengeful one past as it was never brought up much by his friends or the vengeful one bother answering as it was to him a taboo subject and only given few hints about his past it is also revealed that he has a strong resentment with bullirs and physical contact with women and would try to avoid it as much as possible without people noticing but would touch them he would cover his body in energy if needed in a physical fight it also shown that he met a bunch of people like the defensive one when he was younger however it is shown that he has an attraction to women who are older than him due to him secretly wish to be love and taken care of but is afraid of making the person be forced to be with him
Puppetry:the vengeful one is shown to be able to use puppetry as a from of defense and offense
Ability:the vengeful one main ability is called vengify as he can enhance objects or living organism or his own body parts into becoming stronger he can clone of himself but makes his power shared by the ohers dividung it to how many clones there are and conjure things his other ability is vengeance were he gets stronger from the opponent vengeance against him or the one they have vengeance for soemone else and becomes stronger the more vengeance he feels he becomes stronger even the wound heals the strength will still be there
puppets:the vengeful one owns a bunch of puppets with different ability but mostly use slash due to him being the most adaptable in a battleSlash:the vengeful one most used pupoets as he is the most adaptible puppet and can be used in almost any situation and can copy anyone voice and how they act and looks and has abunch of weapons hidden in his body
Cloak: a puppet whose mostly used in as way of transportation by telephorting as with it mostly appearing as a cloak figure with mostly his face and hand showing
Cooperation:3/5CQuote:everyone has vengeance for someone
Even youTrivia
The vengeful one has a strong resentment with women due to having a group of girls bully him while he was in school making him to try and avoid fighting women and try to avoid physical contact with them unless he needs to fight back and wouldnt dare to touch a femaleAs he can make them feel repulsed which cause their accuracy to weaken and missed vital parts
He doesnt know the depress one gender that allows him to intetact normaly as he forgot about the depress one gender when he fought a robotic juggernaut
He take care of his puppets very well and cleans them
He unwillingness brings enemies when he goes somewhere and attracts them
He has a deep hatred for spanish bloodline and some american bloodline and japanese bloodline soldiers
He considers himself to not be attractive
The vengeful one is one of the one types who are interchangeable
You have spread your culture to my people and force them to be lower than you then your culture shall be your downfall your culture shall be known by others and look down upon as they realize how horrible you people are this cannot be removed and soon some of your own people will hate it and be disgusted by it
Past Vengeful one to spanish
Listen to my voice I shall put a curse on your entire blood line you and your children and children's children and theirs and their bloodline will suffer a fate so worse thay history willl imprint it you will suffer so badly that the massacre you did today will look look nothing but a murder all of you and youre children will suffer a slow and painful death that you wish you were the ones who are on the ground nothing can avoid your fate it will happen and you the man who betrayed his own people you will suffer youre entire blood line will sufffer when you have a family they will betray each other like you did today leaving only one of your blood line to exist and carry on your bloodline and to redo it to them and you who call us like children shall be led by one
Past Vengeful one to american soldiers
You let innocent people die who do not want to fight yet you attack them regardless by bombing them lest you suffer the same fate your innocent people shall suffer the same but something much worse will happen
Past Vengeful one to japanese soldiers
You expected an angel or a demon but instead I apppear