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Ben wrapped his arm around Rey's shoulder and Rey helped to carry him out of the exit. Ben's eyes squinted at the bright light. He tried to adjust his eyes to the light. "Is that...?" Ben said, shocked. "Yes, Ben, its the Falcon" Rey said, smiling at Ben. The Falcon landed, the door to the Falcon then opened. Finn and Chewie ran out. Rose was inside the Falcon looking for the medical kit. Ben looked up at Finn, blood was dripping from his hair down on his cheek. "This is a lot to take in..." Finn said, nervously. Ben tried to speak. "I-I'm sorry..." Ben groaned. Finn's eyes widened. "I'm sorry for trying to k-kill you..." Ben said. Ben then fainted. Finn was now worried for Ben. "He's losing blood, we need to help him!" Rey cried. Finn helped Rey to carry him on the Falcon. Chewie followed them behind. Finn and Rey put Ben on the bed and Rose handed them the medical kit. Chewie hugged Rey, encouraging her that Ben will survive. 

An hour has passed, and Ben wakes up. He sees Rey leaning over him. "Rey?" Ben said. "Yes, its me" Rey said, smiling. Ben smiled back. Rey touched his head. Ben winced in agony. "Sorry" Rey said. "Its fine, don't worry about me" Ben said. Finn walked over to see Ben. "How are you...holding up?" Finn asked. "I'm doing fine" Ben said. "Here. Have some water" Finn said, while giving him a glass of water. "Thanks" Ben said. "Chewie, take us back to the Resistance base. Leia will be proud to see you" Rey said, smiling at Ben.

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