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"Am I really the only one who reads you like a book, you are so obvious. I see right through you."

"You don't know a thing about me."

I was pissed.

We'd been arguing for 24 hours now. It had started in the taxi around this time the day before. Caprio kept digging into me. He wouldn't let loose.

We had a busy day, going around the town being introduced to people in the fashion industry and modeling world. The fashion world was such a busy one. There were so many people to meet. There were so many names that I had to struggle to remember. I was working hard, not just for me but for Mauricio. He believed in me. I had to do anything I could to make sure I didn't disappoint him.

There were so many names though and Caprio was so damn annoying. But every moment we weren't using to sell ourselves was a moment that Caprio used to take a shot at me. Then he would put on his beautiful smile and think that everything was alright. I didn't get why he was so interested in it. Maybe because he was an annoying person and I had been obviously bothered by it.

"We both know what you are trying to hide," Caprio said.

He gave a look to Angelo, who was sitting on the couch. He had music in his ear and kept turning it up so not to hear us argue.

Kendall was on the phone walking around the penthouse as usual. He was constantly on the phone talking to some unknown girl. No one knew who she was. He was really taken by the entire conversation and kept complaining about us arguing because it was getting in the way of it.

Then there was Xi, who stood at the kitchen's island and watched us moving around the huge studio arguing with one another. Part of him didn't understand but I'm sure the little he did understand entertained him because he kept watching us like a daytime show.

"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Yes you do...I'm not going to say it and embarrass you, but you do know what I'm talking about."
I did know what he was talking about. Caprio was convinced that I wasn't in love with Mauricio and he felt like it was his absolute duty to keep rubbing it in and trying to get me to admit to it.

"Whatever, boy, you haven't even known me for a week."
Caprio laughed, "And I already figured you out. What does that say about you? Huh?"
"You haven't figured a thing."

"Then help me...let me know."

Kendall looked over at us, putting his mouth over the phone, "Caprio, can you please do me a favor and just leave him alone?"

Caprio looked over at him, "You got a room, Kendall."
"And so do I," I replied.

I walked outside of the room and decided to just resign to my bedroom. It was the only place that I got any privacy in this huge ass studio. I didn't have time to sit there and get all shook up by this.

As soon as I got in my bedroom and tried to shut the door, Caprio's foot was in it.

"What the hell!" I said, "Leave me alone."

He was annoying as hell. He had spent two days annoying me for no real reason. I just didn't get it.

"You are afraid. You are afraid and Mauricio accepts it. People are so used to being nice to you. They treat you like glass...because they are afraid you'll break."

I could feel the tears piling up in my eyes. Why was I letting Caprio get to me like this? I turned away from him and laid down flat on the bed. I put a pillow over my head. I couldn't take this.

I was crying under there. I didn't know if he realized, until I felt him get on the bed and then all of a sudden he was trying to pull the pillow away from me.

Dream Deferred MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now