Chapter 3

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Ellie's POV

"Well I don't know maybe you should." I heard Andy say in a stupid voice. Then I heard laughter. I opened my eyes to see all of the boys and Georgia sitting there.

"She's awake mate." Rye said nudging Mikey. Mikey brushed it off and gave him a look that could kill.
"Shut up man." He said pushing Rye causing him to nearly spill his cup of tea.

"Hi." I Said in my morning voice.
"Hey." Mikey said, still laughing at Rye.

"What time is it?" I asked, directing the question to everyone.
"It's 11." Brook Replied.
"That's late." I Said. I pulled the covers off me and got out of bed.

"I'm hungry." I Said, I yawned and sat on the floor in front of where Mikey was sitting on the sofa.
"The boys were saying we could go to Nando's." Georgia Said, she had a big smile on her face. A cheeky one. I raised my eyebrows at her, completely ignoring what she said. She giggled and pushed me lightly with her foot.

I laughed and nodded.
"Nando's sounds like heaven to me right now." I Said.
"Okay then, come round when your ready." Jack said. I nodded and so did Georgia. I grabbed my phone and we quickly said bye to boys before going back to our flat.

I shut the door and turned around to face Georgia.
"I know that face Gee!" I Said laughing.
"What face." She asked me.
"Shut up." I told her, she knew what I meant.
"So last night, you and Rye." I Said.
"Oh that. Nothing happened." She replied. I could tell she was telling the truth.
"He is gorgeous though." She said.

I laughed at her then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on a small amount of makeup.

I came out and opened up one of my 4 suitcases pulling out a denim skirt and black cropped top, I put them on and went into Georgias room.

"You ready?" I asked her.
"Yeah." She nodded and stood up putting on white high top converse. I put on my checked slip on vans and grabbed my phone and bank card.

I opened the front door to see all of the boys standing in the hallway between our two flats.
"Hey." Georgia Said. They all smiled and I locked up the house before we went downstairs.

"Do you guys drive?" I asked.
"No, we were hoping you do." Brook said.
"Yeah we both do, don't worry." Georgia said laughing. Luckily we both picked up our car keys.

"Some of you will have to go with Georgia." I Said. They nodded and Mikey, Andy and jack got into my car leaving Rye and Brook to go in Georgia's.

"So Nando's?" I asked just to check.
"Yeah, I'll tell you where to go." Mikey told me. He was sitting in the passenger seat next to me. I pulled off the driveway so Georgia could follow.

Once we pulled up in town in closest parking space we could get to Nando's we waited for Georgia and the rest of the boys to arrive.

As we did Jack and Mikey messed on. It was really cute the friendship all five of them had.

"Well Rye, you told me to go the other way so it's your fault." I heard Georgia say. I turned around and laughed at her having a go at Rye. He just rolled his eyes playfully and she judged him with the arm.

"Off to Nando's!" Rye Shouted in the middle of the street. I couldn't help but laugh as him, Mikey and Brook all ran down the path in the direction of Nando's.

They all seem to act like a group of 13 year old boys which I find quite cute.

I carried on following the boys until we got to Nando's and were seated at a table for seven. I sat next to Georgia and Mikey opposite Jack.

"I'll go order." I stated.
"I'll come with you." Mikey said smiling at me, "let me just get everyone's order." I nodded and got in the que.

"Hey." I heard Mikey say as he came up next to me. I smiled at him and couldn't help but blush, he was 100% my type. {on paper😂}

"I never noticed you had a tattoo." He said looking at wrist, "I've got a few aswell."
"Yeah I've got four." I told him looking at my wrist examining one of mine.

"Can I ask what it means?" He asked me.
"They don't really mean anything, I just like them." I Said laughing. He joined in and chuckled lightly.

"I respect that." He Said.
"Thanks." I Replied.

"Can I get anything for you two?" A women Said. We didn't even realise it was our turn to order.

"Yeah one second." Mikey said. He got out his phone and told the woman what everyone wanted.

"Okay, that'll be £52." She said. I got my bank card out but Mikey pushes my arm away and payed with his instead. I smiled at him and grabbed the glasses to get drinks.

"Thanks." He said as he helped me out with the glasses and carried them over to our table.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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