Sound Of Silence

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CwadRemastered11 this is going to be a mix of my idea and your idea.


Sanira and Dennis were now older teens, and Sanira wanted to be i the talent show. She also wanted Dennis to do it with her. "I'm not one for talent shows..." Dennis said, his hands in his pockets. "Pleeeease, I have a good song, I can play guitar and you play piano as we sing," Sanira said, making a sad puppy face. Dennis blushed at her face. "Fine, but I'm only doing this for you, and no one else," he said, Sanira smiles, hugging her boyfriend. "Alright!"

At the end of the day on Friday, Sanira and Dennis went into the band room, Sanira went and got her guitar that her mom brought earlier, while Dennis went over to the piano, tuning it. After they tuned their intruments, Sanira got two different sheets of music, one was for piano, while the other was for guitar. "Ok, so you're going to play for the first part, ok?" Sanira said. "Ok," Dennis said, playing a bit. The two then sang together, Sanira sang by herself for a bit, then Dennis sang, then both, and Sanira played her gitar when she had to.

After a while, they had finished. "Wanna do some more tomorrow at your place?" Sanira asked. "Hmm, do I want to?" Dennis asked joklingly. "Alright then, we will, I'll be over at 12 p.m.," Sanira said, packing up her guitar. Just then, someone came in. 

It was Asugi 

(you'll see later why he's important)

"Hello Dennis," Asugi said, seeming annoyed. "What?" Dennis asked, sounding annoyed as well. "Dad told me I had to pick you up, so lets go," Asugi said, he looked at Sanira. "Hey, can I come over for lessons?" he asked her. "Ok," Sanira said with a smile, Dennis looked at her. "What lessons?" he asked sternly. "Guitar, I told you that I was giving him lessons last week," Sanira said, Dennis crossed his arms. "When?" he asked, Sanira gets her phone out, showing him the text messages. "Oh..." Dennis said. "We're just friends, he wants to learn how to play guitar, ok?" Sanira said, kissing Dennis's cheek, Dennis sighs. "Alright...need a ride?" he asked her. "No, my parents are coming in a little bit," Sanira said with a smile.

Dennis and Asugi was about to leave, when someone pushed Dennis to the ground. Dennis sat up, looking behind him. It was his rival...Jasper. (Is that the right name?) Dennis growled. "What the hell do you want?" he asked, getting up. Jasper grin. "I just wanted to see you fall, but you know what would be better...if I shot you," he said. "How about Sunday we settle this with a gun duel," Dennis said, glarring at him. "Sounds good to me," Jasper said, and the two went their different ways.

Cane and Asugi were waiting in the car as Dennis got in. "What took you so long?!" Asugi asked. "Nothing," Dennis lied, looking out the window, Cane looked at his brother. "Is it...Jasper again?" he asked a littlw worridly. "...Are we going home?" Dennis asked. It's Jasper again... Cane thought at Asugi drove them home. Why can't he just tell us what's wrong? Asugi thought, he may not have been the best of friends with his brothers, but he knew they were still family, so he wanted to make sure they're alright...even if he didn't want to.


Sanira went over Dennis's house with her guitar, humming to herself. Lui was teaching Dennis how to hold, and shoot a gun. Sanira saw them and tilted her head. "Dennis? What are you doing?" she asked, Dennis looked at her, putting the saftey on and giving his uncle the gun. "Hey, I'm learning how to use a gun because of this douchebag I'm going to face tomorrow," Dennis said, Sanira seemed worried. "W-what? Why didn't you tell me?! This is dangerous! You coukd get hurt!" Sanira said. "That's why I didn't tell you..." Dennis said, Sanira hugs him tightly. " safe...I don't want you hurt, I care about you," Sanira said. "I you'd be alone at the ta-" "I don't care, I would do it for you," Sanira said. "Sanira..." Dennis said. "If I have to play piano and guitar while sing, I will!" Sanira said, continuing to hug him. Dennis smiled, Lui gently rubbed Dennis's head, then went in. 

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