I've noticed something...

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So, I was reading some of my chapters for this book...and I say too bad a lot...why do I do that?

Wakiya: That's a good question.

Author-Chan: -_- It was sarcastic.

Wakiya: I know, I just wanted to annoy you. >:3

Author-Chan: Be lucky we're not on a bridge...

Kay: No bridges, please...

Wakiya: You scared of heights too?

Kay: *nods* 

Wakiya: Don't worry, you'll be good here.

Kay: Alright! Plus, if I was falling, Bakugou would save me!

Bakugou: I am a hero after all. *grins*

Kay: You're the best hero! *smiles happily*

Wakiya: Oh god you're like Kerindia with Shu, but you express your fangirlness...

Kay: And? So what?

Wakiya: ...If you're annoying, like you just were, you'll never get him.


Wakiya: O.o I'm sorry...

Author-Chan: ...What the hell did I just do?! I was talking about-

Bakugou: Can you get this blonde loser out of here?

Author-Chan: No


Author-Chan: Too bad...I SaId iT aGaIn!!!

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