The day we met

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I walk into the karaoke bar nonchalantly as I try to forget about the fight Steve and I just had a couple
of minutes ago. Steve was just an inconsiderate person, he made everything about him. How could he give me an ultimatum to move in with him in Lagos and leave my parents or we kiss our relationship goodbye. I am beyond disappointed, I expected more and it seems to me like he had already made up his kind to leave me. He knows there is no way I can move in with him, my parents will forbid it...
I meet up with the dj and ask him to queue up 'water under the bridge' by Adele and I go up to the counter to order a drink while I wait for Liz. There are only a few people at the bar and I'm not surprised, it's Wednesday and it's not the peak hour yet, I like it much better this way.
The time is 17:05 and I'm not even thinking about my 18:00 curfew right now I just need someone to vent to.
Liz had still not shown up, I give her a ring and she
also doesn't pick up. Could my day get any worse. She calls me back almost immediately and saying her mum needed her to drive her to the hospital and as soon as she was done she would meet up. That's if I'm still going to be here when she's done. I sigh.
My turn is up and I begin
'If you're not the one for me
Then how come I can bring you to your knees...'
Just as I am about to finish the room begins to fill with applauses and  I hear particularly loud clapping coming from one corner of the room. I turn and I sight Timipre. What an unexpected appearance. I lighten up instantly and I move in to meet him and we hug.
"Timipre what a coincidence, what are you doing in a karaoke bar" I smile.
"I came here to listen to your angelic voice" he teases. Timipre has always been a good friend. More like the friend I never thought I needed. He was very sweet.
"Go joor.."
"But seriously I always knew you could sing but I didn't know you were this good or does the mic use auto tune?" He laughs and I hit him playfully
"So who are you here with?" He asks
"Nobody! I was actually waiting for Elizabeth but seeing as she's definitely not showing up, I best take my leave." "what about you? Who are you with?" He turns to his table and I see a fine gentleman. He looks a tad bit familiar but I don't know when or where I had seen him. He waves at us and Timipre gestures that we move over to the table to say hi.
The table has two cocktails on it. As we approach the guy rises up to receive us and I almost freeze when we are introduced.
"Diana this is Victor, he is a good friend"
"Victor meet Diana, my longest standing crush." Timipre enough already, you don't have to kill my chances with other guys every time we meet. How is he supposed to approach me with with this constant babbling. Diana what are you thinking. Minutes ago you were fuming about Steve now you're swooning over this stranger you just met, who hasn't even said a word to you, my subconscious scolds. "She has refused to give this handsome human standing in front of her a chance but I have learned to live with the rejection, maybe one day she will realise her mistake" he jokes and we all laugh. But why do I smell a tinge of seriousness in his voice. Timipre sure does know how to make a statement.
"I'm not surprised, she has an amazing voice" Victor chirps in and I freeze again as I take my time to observe this beautiful human. He has a very even dark skin tone, symmetrical face and a glorious smile. I am in awe of the person standing in front of me. In this moment I'm not thinking of anything else. I'm not even thinking of Steve. He can go to hell for all I care.
I collect my self and try not to give too much away.
Timipre calls one of the waiters in order to take my order but I politely decline
"Aww Timi I can't stay any longer, I have to be home now, you know... curfew" I try as much as possible not to look at Victor. I do not want to betray my poise and confidence.
Victor looks almost disappointed once I mouth those words. He has this surprised sad 'please don't leave' look. I muster up courage, turn to him and smile as I take my leave. He doesn't say anything to me except he returns with the most warming smile. I still haven't stopped thinking about the smile.
Timipre offers to even take me home but I politely refuse even though I know he is absolutely cool with it.
I get home at 18:35 and I go straight into my room. I feel super relaxed and elated and I don't
Know why. A while ago I was distraught about Steve but I don't seem to care too much about him now. But deep down I know that I still care and we need to talk about it. Nevertheless I bask in my new found peace.

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