Yandere! Rei Ryugazaki x Reader / Inbalance /

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A/N: Here is the next story you guys have been waiting for, for so long. School has started again so updates will be less frequent but I'm trying to fall into a rhythm concerning my schedule so updates might occur every two weeks.

The lines seemed to blur before his very eyes. There was nothing wrong with his glasses nor was the text of the book smeared or distorted. Rei didn't feel dizzy either despite his mild motion sickness; no he couldn't focus on the words because his mind was prone to wander off as of late.

He stowed the book away least he became completely nauseous and made for a sorry image. Now more than any time in his life he wasn't able to afford to appear anything less than perfect.

It wasn't uncommon for the high schooler to strive to uttermost flawlessness but recently that tendency had taken a new extreme. You were the root of this disease, the very tangible reason why he couldn't concentrate on anything else than you.

Love and deep desire had accumulated to a frightening cocktail. It had scared him at first; he had tried to deny that he possessed such twisted feelings. But then he realised what he was without them, a dull black-and-white façade that once had been his bleak persona, which had taken on a new vividness thanks to those wayward thoughts.

Those emotions were too beautiful and precious to let go.

He had then come to terms with them and accepted the harmony that accompanied limerence – when the urge was satisfied; which it rarely was.

You were in the same year but in another class, out of the way from his kind. He himself would've lived his life without wasting a thought about you if he hadn't decided to take a different rout that fateful Saturday. As usual he had engaged in his evening physical exercise routine that included a 20 minute jog around town. That day he had chosen to mix some variation in his routine and take some other roads; an alternative he wouldn't regret.

When he had been running down a particular street he had come to a halt when he heard the enticing tones of a musical instrument emanating from the upstairs window of a house. At first it had been but a faint ringing in his ears but it had been an exquisite, persistent melody that made him slow his pace to an eventual standstill.

Rei wasn't somebody who'd let himself be distracted easily, but true beauty was the exception that could shatter his unwavering focus. No matter what the circumstances were in his life he had always felt magnetically attracted towards elegance and grace, whether it be the cherry blossoms in spring or the song of a nightingale, things that bordered on perfection enthralled him. As was the melody haunting him that evening; as were you as he watched you play song after song.

He had returned to that spot day after day just to listen coaxed a beautiful sonata or manor from your instrument. Soon it wasn't enough to just observe you; he wanted to know more about you. From the very beginning you had somehow seemed familiar to him, he soon found out why. In hindsight he could smack himself for his foolishness.

You went to the same school as he did, the same year; how he had not singled you out from the sea of students when you were so extraordinary. Fantasies soon clouded his mind, fogging his reality at the most crucial moments. Anger would then sear through him, white-hot, when he miscalculated his actions and even more when his friends showed concern and pity attributing his unusual behaviour.

It was your fault, but would your affection maybe the cure to his madness?

Before he had never wasted a thought about the future of his love life; his relationships with women had been purely pragmatic, maybe platonic in some cases but nothing more. It meant his downfall when it came to you.

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