11 | Crazy in Love (not edited)

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A year ago today, you would have slapped someone if they told you that some day you would be happy.

That some day you would hold someone so dear to you in your arms, and that they would hold you back, tightly, never wanting to let you go.

Peter recovered from his wound within weeks. Soon after, the two of you began to openly date and express your soulmate privileges.

After a brief confrontation with Michelle and Flash, you had even managed to apologize to them, taking them both completely by surprise. As you had walked away with Peter's hand in yours, you had looked over your shoulder to see an expression on Michelle's face that told you she might just have what it took to change again.

Things were going so well with Peter that you had decided to move in with him and May. Your mother had been recalled to prison again, and Peter had utterly refused to let you go back to your father's house- away from him, so you had been graciously accepted into their home for good.

As you had unpacked your belongings from the slightly torn boxes that Peter had carried in for you, you pulled out your personal journal and flipped through the table of contents you had created in the front. It read:

Can we be friends?
Maybe just a little bit more
We can mend
It hurts
Love at the worst
Alone while apart
Not just a broken heart
Crazy in love

You remembered titling every single one of those entries. It was a brief narrative of your adventure with discovering Peter to be your soulmate.

Noticing there was an empty slot for one more entry, you flipped to the last few pages of your journal. They were blank.

You contemplated writing something there, but just then Peter walked in, his arms full of yet another brown box. "Where do you want this one?" He asked, not a winded word from his mouth.

"Over here," you directed him.

The days moved on and you forgot about the empty journal entry until one night while Peter was busy with Spider-Man, you found his own box of treasures.

Normally, you would have kept your distance and allowed him his privacy, but your eye caught mention of your own name, so you plunged a hand into the box of seemingly random junk, and pulled out what looked to be Peter's own personal journal.

Glancing around for May, and feeling a slight tinge of guilt, you opened to the first page.

To your utter astonishment a neat table of contents filled it. And to your growing disbelief, it was almost an exact copy of the front page of your own journal.

All of his chapters were titled the same as yours. Curiosity overwhelming you, you began to read it through.

He had recounted it all from his perspective. How he had known you were special, but his devotion to Michelle had clouded his decisions.

Then how he had almost died and then came back to a wonderful life with you.

Tears wet your face as you turned the last page in the book. A chapter was there that had not been noted in the table of contents. A chapter which was titled:

With you

A clatter came from the kitchen and you hurriedly stuffed the journal away as May called out for your help with a laugh.

You obeyed and quickly came to her aid, but your mind never left the journal.


"Hey Peter," You said, finally deciding that it was time to tell him.

"Hmm yeah?"

"I... I read your diary."

Peter's eyebrows rose slightly. "You... did?"

You nodded. "And... I... well I wanted you to know something. I think it has to do with us being soulmates, because as I saw what you had titled all of your entries, I realized that we had done the exact same thing, with the exact same titles." You said, bending down behind the couch.

Peter blinked. "Really? Wow, that's amazing," he grinned. "Now, why were you reading my journal?"

"Well... forgive me, I was curious. But..." You heaved a large case out onto the floor. "I decided to do something about it."

You opened the case to reveal Peter's Uncle Ben's old guitar.

Secretly, you had heard Peter play once or twice, and he had not been too bad.

"So I wrote a song. And I want you to play it."

Peter's eyebrows rose further still. "Me?"

You smiled at him. "Come on now, I've heard you play out on the balcony. You can play this, I made it easy."

Peter reluctantly obliged but you suspected it was only because you promised him a kiss afterward.

Positioning himself against the couch, he began to strum the chords in the order you had written on your scrap of notebook paper.

In a few measures, you began to sing.

Peter had never heard you sing before, and you were very nervous about it, but from the way his eyes widened and his mouth softened into a smile, you could tell that he adored it.

You sang and sang until the song was complete. After a moment of silence you opened your mouth to say something, but a pair of strong hands pulled you up off the floor and onto the couch. Peter's face close to yours, he pulled you on top of him, so the two of you had almost no space between you.

"I love you," he whispered before connecting his lips to yours.

You wanted to tell him you loved him back, but the kiss was so inviting, almost desperate for your love, you decided that he knew from the song how much you loved him. And that was enough for now.

Love Song | p. parker (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now