Chapter Two

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pope woke the next morning with a raging woody for the first time in several decades. As he carried out his morning ablutions he realized that the adolescent hormones coursing through his new body were going to have some unknown but powerful influence on his reactions, possibly even his emotions. He determined he would need to take care they did not control his actions.

While he made his way down to the breakfast room, he looked around the two story penthouse. The fixtures, furnishings, and Central Park view all suggested that this family was very wealthy. After wandering for a moment he found Oran's mother at a table. A young blond woman was working in the kitchen visible through a pass-through window.

"Good morning," Mariela said as she came around the table to feel his forehead. Inwardly

Pope chuckled. He could recall his wife making the same gesture whenever one of their daughters had been ill or injured. Some sort of maternal instinct he'd always thought. "I'm feeling pretty good," he said aloud.

"Sit, please," Mariela gestured to a seat that looked out the window onto the rooftop patio. "Tetyana will have your breakfast ready in just a few minutes." She nodded to the young woman in the kitchen.

"Good to see you back home," Tetyana offered in accented English. Something about her voice and her smile cause another gallant response.

Pope cursed inwardly and quickly took his seat. The loose sweats he was wearing were not likely to hide the evidence of his reaction. God save me from puberty!

Looking for another topic to take his mind off his embarrassing condition he noticed there was no sign of the rest of the family. "Where are Eric and Kirstin?"

"Eric is at that Football camp in Florida," Oran's mother answered. "Kirstin decided that since you were alright she would join her friends in Stowe for the week. You know how she loves her skiing."

"So it is just you and me?" Pope queried. He had no idea how long he would be in this situation, but had determined to treat it as if it was real for as long as it lasted. He thought it might be easier to adjust to the new circumstances without the distractions of the two other teens.

"Well, Jock will likely be around at least some evenings," she said. "Though he has a trip in the middle of the week. And he'll be bringing Eric back from Tampa on Saturday or Sunday, in time for him to be ready for school on Wednesday."

"That sounds great. What does your week look like?" Pope had no recollection from Oran of her working, but he had some memories of her being active in charitable and civic activities.

"I have some meetings planned, but can easily clear my calendar if you want me to. Getting you healthy is my top priority, Baby." Her concern was obvious. Pope realized her calling him Baby was likely a sign of her dismay over his health. She thought she was going to lose her son.

Pope did not have the heart to tell her she had lost him. Unless the real Oran returned if and when Pope was evicted from the brain he was currently inhabiting, it was likely she would never see her baby again. Well that is just too depressing, he grumped mentally.

"I think I am just going to take it easy for a couple of days, then I might go out for a bit to stretch my legs," he said.

"That makes sense," she replied. "I don't want you going stir crazy and I don't want you to use this as an excuse to waste the whole week on your computer. I want you in bed at a reasonable hour and up before 9:00 every day. Ok?"

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