Chapter Seven

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oran stayed at Carl's though the weekend. By Sunday he was feeling much more comfortable with the basics of his powers. The post-combat shakes he had not expected to suffer hit Thursday afternoon, after the interview with the FBI. The interrogation had been close enough to his Army post-mission debriefs that he suspected his subconscious had figured the mission was over and it was time to crash. Carl had proven surprisingly useful at helping him work though the episode. It turned out he had acted as an informal counselor for a number of new heroes over the years.

He also had a costume, though it was a quickie version. Carl's fashion consultant said it would take time to complete the final version. Carl also wanted to tinker with it a bit to add a little useful tech.

"And somewhere to carry your stuff," the experienced hero had insisted. "Kevlex is nice and all, but too many starter heroes forget to add in some place to carry their stuff in their fancy new tights. Eventually you're gonna need money, phone, first aid kit, whatever. Don't worry. I'll fix you right up."

Eric and Kirstin had returned home on Sunday. That made Monday and Tuesday a little stressful as all three teens tried to fit back into their normal routine and get ready for school after their various adventures. For Oran there was nothing normal about his situation. He had managed to spend most of his time alone in his room preparing for the dreaded first day of high school. Pope knew it was the middle of Oran's sophomore year, but the old soldier had not been in high school since 1968. He was not looking forward to it.

It was a seven block walk to school. Eric used a different route to meet with his friends along the way. Kirstin usually walked with Oran, though she seldom talked with him. This morning she proved to have something to say. "Are you really alright?"


"I mean after the explosion then the kidnapping. I'd be ... I don't know what I'd be, but definitely not alright."

Walking silently, Oran considered what to say. He thought her concern was honest. She had never participated in the social dominance games Eric and many of the kids at school played. Her father basically ignored her. And she had never gotten close to Mariela. She might have been more alone at home than the original Oran had been. Since the accident she had been making small overtures towards him. He thought she might just be lonely. "I'm still rattled and not fully recovered. But I'm going stir crazy just sitting around the apartment. So ..."

"I ..." Kirstin trailed off when Hester and Alex joined them.

"Hey!" Alex waved. He realized he was standing next to Kirstin and got flustered.

"Oran! My god! Are you alright. I was so scared. I thought you were dead." Hester cried, tears starting down her cheeks as she swept him into a tight hug.

Oran patted her back consolingly while trying to separate himself from her. "It's ok. I got rescued before they could do anything to me. I'm ok."

Oran's mother had had a similar reaction when she arrived at her father's building Thursday afternoon. He was still in the midst of his stress release episode so he looked worse than he actually was. Carl had a hard time convincing her not to put Oran back in the hospital. Eventually she agreed to leave him on Brooklyn for the weekend.

"It was pretty scary, man," Alex added. "They grabbed you right in front of me. It could have been me, or any of us. I mean, I've still got a bruise where that guy shoved me." He rolled up his sleeve and pointed to a spot on his arm that looked no different from the rest.

"I called the police as soon as it happened," Hester said. The pressure form the other pedestrians had them walking again. Oran noticed her hand flutter towards his then fall to her side.

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