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        Sonic and Staci are lounging under an umbrella. Nearby, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks are playing volleyball. "There's nothing like a lazy day on the beach." Sonic says. The volleyball bounces near Amy. She picks it up and throws it back to Sticks. Sticks sighs happily "It's nice to breathe in that beautiful saltwater air and relax. For the first time, I feel totally stress-free."Sticks says "Hey, guys!" Tails calls. Sticks shrieks and drops into her alert stance. Tails arrives, pushing something covered by a cloth bag. "I just perfected my most brilliant invention yet. Meet UT, the Universal Translator. Designed to translate any language into our own."Tails says proudly. Tails uncovers Universal Translator. Sonic,Staci, Amy, and Sticks look at it, seemingly unimpressed." Allow me to demonstrate." Tails says. Tails directs everyone's attention to a mother bird feeding her babies nearby. Universal Translator watches them for a while, then turns around. translates for the baby bird."The fact that you pre-chew my food is repulsive." UT Says. " Hey-ey-ey! It works!"Knuckles laughs. "Didn't see that one coming." UT translated." Um... it's still talking?" Knuckles puzzled. "I thought this thing just translated birds." UT says. " Since what you're saying doesn't need to be translated, UT is translating it into what you really mean!" Tails says. "I didn't intend for it to do that, but I will gladly accept full credit." UT says. "That's great, Tails!" Amy hides her pity."Pretty lame." UT Says as a lamppost falls from the mountain It was climbing."That's not what I was thinking at all." Amy frowned. "Man, I am totally busted." UT translates."Tails? I think it needs some more work." Amy says. "If that thing doesn't shut its metal trap, I think I might die." UT says." Wait... this thing reads minds?" Sticks questions."Wait. This thing reads minds." UT copied. "GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!" Sticks Exclaimed. "Get it out of my head." UT copied. Sticks pulls out her boomerang and is about to attack UT, but Staci restrains her. "Now, now! Calm down, Sticks!" "Take it easy, whack-job." UT says. " Hey!" Sticks kicks Staci. "I am displeased." UT says."Don't be offended, Sticks. Staci didn't mean to think that." Sonic says. "She's not the sharpest tool in the shed." UT says. Staci Growls. "Tails, I think it's best if you shut that thing off. We don't want it to reveal anything too... sensitive." Staci says. "Shut that thing up before it tells Sonic that Love him" UT finished." WHAT?!?" Everyone yelled. " Uh.. I- I-I- Gah!" Staci Blushed. Amy Jumps on Staci and the 2 begin to brawl. Sonic jumps into the pile and puts Staci behind him. " That's enough!" Sonic growled. Amy pushed Sonic away and gave a kick straight to Staci's face, breaking her top braces wire. Knuckles restrains Amy. Tails sees that Staci is bleeding and runs to his Shack. " Just So you know." Sonic said after Amy was picked up by Knuckles and sent back to her house. " I have a 'thing' for twins" Sonic Blushed." mmh" Staci mumbled her whole body hurting, bruised, and bleeding. Away, a drone in the shape of a bug is recording the scene.

Time Skip: Eggman's Lair

"Very interesting. It seems Tails' new invention is creating friction between Sonic and his friends." Eggman smirks."Yeah, and they're not getting along either." Orbot says."This gives me an idea. If I build a duplicate robot to replace the original, I could have it say whatever I want! They'll be at each other's throats in no time! And with the group divided, I can destroy them once and for all!" Eggman ponders aloud. Eggman laughs evilly. After a while, Orbot and Cubot join in as Bri sighs and continues to clean. " It will be okay, I promise" Orbot says as he slips a ring on her glove.Bri chuckles as they kiss Dr. Eggman cuts them off "Don't laugh with me. You're ruining it."

Time Skip: Tails' House, night

"Wow, UT. My friends normally love my inventions. I can't believe you had such a lousy debut." Tails sighs. "I blame myself." UT says."No, no. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. After all, I was the one who-- oh wait. You were just saying my thoughts, huh?" Tails smiles. "I feel like such a dummy." UT says.Tails shuts UT down "Things'll go better tomorrow, I promise. Good night, UT."Tails lays down and falls asleep. Orbot and Cubot sneak in while Tails is sleeping, and switch out UT for a duplicate. Tails stirs, but falls asleep again. Orbot and Cubot sneak out, leaving the duplicate UT behind.

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