✩ A/N #4

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Hey everybody, this is just a quick 'lil update on the progress of this rp. So far we have 17/24 selected, which is really great! As soon as we get up to 21/24 selected, I will be posting the FIRST TASK, which will be the plane ride to the palace!

Also, just a monumental thank-you to everyone who has been reading so far, Bloodlines already has 1.7 K views and it's ONLY BEEN OPEN FOR 4 OR 5 DAYS. This fact just blows my mind, so thank you everyone for being so awesome.

As stated before, as soon as we get 21 selected spots filled up I will post a chapter for the first task. Once all selected spots are filled, the next big event will be the Welcoming Ball, and then after that the first round of interviews.

Before we get TOO close to starting this role play, however, I do want to brief you guys on a new style of role play that I'm going to try with "Bloodlines". All the new information will be listed below!!!

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So first off, there are going to be 5 MAIN CATEGORIES OF RP throughout this selection:

1.) Dates - To make it easier to split time between the selected and both princes, there will be two "teams" announced the day after the welcoming ball. (rp speaking, not actual time). Each team is going to be assigned to a prince to court (ex. Team One will be courting Laurens and Team Two will be courting Diego). Since there are 24 girls, this means that there will be teams of 12. Every day, I will try to get out a "date" with one of the princes and a different selected. It's important to try to get as much out of the dates as possible! we will keep continuing in this style until there are 12 women left all together. In which case, the teams will switch princes. This chain continues itself until finally, 6 girls remain. These remaining 6 will be known as the ELITES. From here on out, each girl can chose who she wants to spend her time with, in other words they are not limited to courting only the one prince assigned to them.

(SORRY this part was SO LONG, if you have any questions please comment below and I'll do my best to answer your questions!)

2.) Rooms - The rooms category is simple enough. I will be posting rooms in "chains," or in other words, multiple rooms to a chapter. Any and all characters are allowed to comment on Room chapters! You can role play in a room at any time, all you have to do is tag someone and get the ball rolling!

3.) Tasks - Tasks will be published after every elimination, and it is very important to complete a task as to guarantee your safety for the following elimination. These chapters will only be for selected characters to comment on. Tasks can range from anything as simple as telling me the birthday of your character, to a role playing chain. Make sure you keep an eye out for a new task after every elimination!

4.) Special Events - These are pretty rare chapters that will be posted by me where EVERYONE is invited to comment. Examples of this would be the Welcoming Ball, a birthday party, or any other social event I have planned for the selection!

5.) Interviews - Ah, finally. Probably the hardest process that the selected will be forced through is the weekly interviews. Don't let their big smiles and warm welcomes deceive you; both reporters are ruthless, and will drag your name through the mud if it means getting a good headline. One thing that I do want to explain, however, is a new thing that I'm creating called "EXPOSURE." News Articles will be published every week, and every week I will randomly select one individual to be exposed. If you are exposed, I will approach you in PM's, and you have to tell me a secret about your selected, or give a little dirt on her. This is just something that I thought of to spice up this process a little more because LORD KNOWS I LOVE MY DRAMA :))))

That should be everything! If you have any questions, PLEASE comment below or feel free to message me privately! Toodles!

~ Oak

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