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Nyla Mallister watches from a distance as her younger sisters, the twins, mess around with Robb Stark and Jon Snow. Nyla's long dark hair she recieved from their lord father Jason Mallister rains down her back in soft curls and blows gently behind her as she leans out the window.

"Nyla?" Nyla turns as her name is spoken and she sees Lord Eddard Stark.

"My lord?" She asks politely, remembering her courtesies before asking what he's doing here. "Am I in trouble?" 

Ned Stark smiles. "You? Never." He answers and Nyla smiles. "I just wanted to let you know that King Robert is coming here." He says.

"On account of Jon Arryn's death." It's not a question.

"Yes." Lord Eddard admits.

"He want you to be Hand of the King." Nyla says knowingly.

Lord Stark sighs. "Yes." He says.

Nyal nods. "I will make sure that the twins are not much trouble." She curtsies and Lord Eddard smiles.

"Of course you will." He leaves and Nyla looks out to see that her sisters and the boys are no longer in the courtyard.

She sighs and sits on her bed.

*A Month Later*

A knock sounds at the door and she opens it, supressing a sigh. She is finally in a gown of soft silk, a soft gold color that makes her eyes as gold as her younger sisters. "Yes?" She looks around but doesn't see anyone and frowns.

"Nyla!" A voice sounds below her and she looks down to see Rickon, the youngest Stark.

"Oh hi Rickon." She says and he reaches up for a hug that Nyla gives him. "How is my favourite Stark child doing?" She asks him, smiling.

"I want you to come with me." Rickon says excitedly.

"And where are we going?" Nyla asks with a smile.

"The King and Queen are here!" He says. "Hurry!" He grabs her hand and they run down to the courtyard. "Here she is father." Rickon tells Lord Eddard proudly.

Ned Stark smiles and ruffles Rickon's hair then pats it down again. He looks at me and inclines his head towards Nya and Narcissa, letting Nyla know she must stand beside them.

She does so respectfully and they wait.

Horse hooves sound as the king and his guards storm into Winterfell. King Robert gets off his horse and stands in front of Lord Eddard and they hug as the queen comes out of her carriage with her young daughter and son.

Queen Cersei holds out her hand to Ned and he presses a light kiss to it.

"Where's the Imp?" Arya asks.

"Will you shut up?" Sansa says rudely to her little sister.

Nyla stands silent next to her sister and spots Jaime Lannister, Queen Cersei's twin brother. he catches sight of her and winks and Nyla has to refrain from rolling her eyes at how full of himself he was.

*time lapse*

Nyla walks around the courtyard, catching sight of Jon Snow storming out of the feast. The only reason she was not at the feast was because she wanted to go for a walk so here she was. She watches as a short man waddles up to Jon and speaks to him. She guessed it was Tyrion Lannister, The Imp, as everyone else, including Queen Cersei who was his sister, called him.

Nyla watched the Imp curiously. Everyone had sais he was ugly but he didn't seem so to Nyla. Just short. His gold Lannister hair hung in mismatched eyes. One eye was green and one was so dark it looked black. It fascinated Nyla and she wished she was closer so she might speka to him but she stayed in the shadows, silent.

As soon as the Imp was done speaking ot Jon Snow he seemed to be walkin gin her direction. Nyla stepped out of the shadows. "You must be Tyrion Lannister." She said in a knowing tone.

He takes her in, his mismatched eyes seeming to appreciate what they were looking at. "And so I am. Who might you be?" He asks.

"I'm Nyla Mallister." Nyla answers.

"Mallister." Tyrion muses. "Daughter of Jason Mallister who is part of Lord Eddard Stark's bannermen."

"The one and only." Nyla answers with a smile. "Would you walk with me?" 

Tyrion looks pleasantly surprised adn Nyla guesses that not many woman would ask that of him. "If it please you." He answers, collecting himself so she can't read him.

He offers her his arm and she takes it. He is half her size, Nyla was rather on the short side herself due to her mother. Nya and Narcissa were about her height as well.

"How come you are not at the feast?" Tyrion asks her curiously. 

"It was rather loud and noisy in there and I felt bad for the queen because King Robert was being pleased by someone else." Nyla admits then is horrified. "Forgive me my lord I should not have said that." Tyrion was, after all, Queen Cersei's little brother.

Tyrion waves a hand. "There is nothing to forgive fair lady." He says. "King Robert has always been like that just don't let Cersei hear that." 

"I take it she is rather cruel then?" Nyla asks then is horrified all over again. "Excuse my mouth my lord I may have drank a little too much." She'd actually had three cups of wine but that was still a lot for her.

Tyrion waves her off. "It is a question out of curiosity and the answer is yes. She would probably kill me if I were not her brother and part of the Lannister family." He replies and Nyla is sad for him. "As it seems we should probably go back to the feast. People are probably missing us."

Nyla nods absently and they head back.

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