Chapter 3

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"What?" I asked Vic in disbelief. He meant it like, in a friend way, right? He can't like me any other way, no. That's not how it goes. He's supposed to ignore me like everybody else, he's not meant to like me.

"You heard me, Kellin, I like you." He repeated himself, sitting back on his bed.

"No, you don't, Vic." I tried to convince him.

"I do though." He fought back.

"No, you fucking don't! No one does, not you and not anyone else!" I yelled at him and stormed out of his room. Running down the stairs, I endeavoured not to trip and fall down. I got outside the house and ran away, again. The second time I ran away from Vic in two days. I turned around to see no one. Thanks god he didn't follow me, I would probably yell at him even more.

Since he lived two streets away from me, I made it home in like 5 minutes. I didn't bother greeting my parents, just ran straight into my room, just like the day before, locking my doors and crawling under my sheets.

He just simply can't like me. I mean, I know I'm gay, that's not the problem. He's not the problem either, he's afterall pretty attractive. No, the problem is me.

No one never liked me like that. I'm used to people ignoring me. And I like it that way, no one gets harmed and we're all equal. But once someone, Vic more precisely, breaks that 'equanimous wall', then everything is fucked up. I would open up to him and then, when I won't be expecting it, he'll break my heart. Not that it has ever happened, but I'm sure it would be like that. I've seen a lot of movies, so...

And what does he even like about me? I'm nothing but rude towards him. I'm freaking thin, pale, friendless asshole who tries his hardest to ignore the only person that happens to apparently like him.

Maybe if I wasn't such a douchebag, then I would admit that he likes me, but knowing myself, that wouldn't happen, not today, not ever.


Except for sleeping, I spent my whole weekend, doing nothing but thinking what I would say to Vic on Monday. I will probably explain to him that those are just some teenage hormones or some shit. Also, I am determined to convince him that I don't like him and I will pray for him to leave me alone. I mean, I do like him, sure, he's nice and not bad looking, but he doesn't have to know that.

So on Monday, once I walked into school, I spotted him at his locker, talking to some guy. I walked up to Vic, grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him somewhere we could be alone. I found out that the gym was empty so we sat there at the bleachers. I turned my attention to him once we were seated. He was looking at me with those puppy dog eyes and that's when I completely lost it and forgot about everything I wanted to tell him.

"You know what? I fucking hate you!" I yelled at him which made him pull away from me. "You just tell me that you like me which makes me fucking think about you the whole fucking weekend and when I'm about to tell you that I'm not interested in you that way, you just sit here, looking all innocent and cute. What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" I shouted, but he just smiled the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face.

"You were thinking about me the whole weekend?" He blushed slightly. Fuck, how am I gonna get out of this?

"Uhm, I-I mean, I guess...well, yeah." I admitted and then he did something I, not even in the slightest, expected. He leaned in and kissed me. His lips were so soft and moved perfectly with mine, yeah that's right, I kissed him back. He then pulled away and smiled at me.

I shook my head at him, saying, "I still fucking hate you." He laughed at that and kissed me again, placing his hands on my hips while I wrapped mine around his neck.

I've Been Saving Myself For You (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now