Chapter 5

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Do you ever get that feeling of excitement for school? Like you can't wait to get there? Do you ever just sit on your bed, fully clothed and just stare aimlessly while impatiently tapping your foot against the floor?

Well, I don't. But this morning was different. After a weekend spent in my room without going out, except for the moments when I needed to use the bathroom, I couldn't wait to go to school. I mean, sure some people were looking forward to learn there something or to meet their friends, but I had completely different reason.

My reason was certain Mexican boy. I'm not sure how, but Vic didn't leave my mind for a single minute the whole weekend. Was he doing some voodoo on me? Maybe he had a voodoo doll of me which he somehow transmogrified so I started liking him. Well, if that was the case, then he was doing great so far. Seriously though, this had never happened to me and I wasn't sure what to do. I know that we just kissed and held hands, but what now? He'll sure as hell ask me to date him and boom; sex, marriage, 5 kids and within couple weeks, my life is in fucking ruins.

Okay, I'm probably overreacting a bit. But what if asks me to be his boyfriend? Do I say yes? I mean, I like him, but this is just all so new to me and I hate him for making me feel so baffled. Great, now I'm not looking forward to school at all.


I managed to avoid Vic whole day, well that was until I sat in the cafeteria during the lunch period. As always, I sat down at my usual table and pulled out my notebook, finishing the drawing from last week. I thought that once I sat down, Vic would appear by my side, but he didn't seem like coming over. I took a look around the canteen and found out that he was nowhere to be seen.

After maybe twenty minutes I assumed that he probably wasn't in school. Just when I thought that I will spend lunch sitting alone, someone sat down next to me. And by that familiar scent, it was Vic. I turned my head to him and there he was, sitting next to me with his hand supporting his head from falling as he stared at me.

"Hi." He smiled sweetly at me.

"Hey." I smiled back. "Where have you been? I mean, usually when I sit down, you're here in less than 5 seconds." I smirked.

"Yeah, but Mr. Bokan wanted to talk to me about some essay. Anyway, how was your weekend?"

"Uhm, boring I guess. I had an argument with mom on Friday so I stayed in my room the whole two days." I told him truthfully.

"That sucks, what did you fight about?" He wanted to know.

"It was stupid. She just ignores me most of the time and when I came home, she was like why didn't I tell her where I was going and stuff. She didn't talk to me after our little chat so I guess we're back at ignoring each other." I smiled, but Vic frowned.

"I'm sorry." He said and pulled me into a comforting hug.

"It's alright, I'm used to it." I said as I pulled away.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to hang out after school?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sure. Your house or mine?" I asked him.

He smirked. "Yours, I wanna see your room."

"I don't know what your intentions are, Vic, but I'm getting a bit worried."

"You don't have to, I'm not planning to get you pregnant." He smiled and leaned closer to my ear. "Yet." He whispered.

"Are you aware that I'm a boy, right?" I asked him with chuckle.

"I was just kidding, Kells." He said. I was about to say something, but I forgot it when the bell rung. "I gotta go." He said and stood up. "See you later." He pecked my cheek before he walked away. I got up too and began walking towards my next class.

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