Chapter 10

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Everything is great. Me and Vic have been together for over a two months now and everything's been good so far. I even calmed down a bit about my mom. I mean, I still miss her so much, but I've at least learned not to turn into a total cry baby everytime I hear her name or see a truck...or its driver.

My dad and I have been pretty close since our little conversation. I've been talking to him about pretty much everything like school, mom, Vic...I haven't told him about my little crying-on-Josh's-shoulder thing though, hell, not even Vic knew about it. It's not like it's some kind of secret, I just didn't think it was any important so it stayed a secret between just me and Josh.

Oh, I almost forgot, I've finally finished the drawing for Vic. It took me long enough time, but it's finished. Now, I'm just waiting for a chance to give it to Vic...


"Wanna hang out today?" Vic asked me at lunch. It was Friday and since I didn't have better plans for the day, why not?

"Yeah, sure. My house or...?"

"Well, I was thinking more like we could have a romantic night at my house. And when I say romantic night, I mean we will order pizza and watch movies while we make out." He explained and I laughed at him, he's such a douche. But hey, here comes my chance to give him my drawing, not that I was carying it around with me, waiting for a moment to give it to Vic. Fine, I was, so what? Anyway, I was kind of surprised that he suggested his house, we usually hang out at mine since Vic likes it there so much...

"Have I ever told you that you've got such a romantic soul?" I laughed again.

"Yeah, I think you've already mentioned something like that." He smirked. "Anyway, what do you say?"

"What do you think?" I smiled and pecked his cheek. Just then the bell rung, signaling the end of lunch period. We both stood up and began walking towards our classes.

"Okay, so see ya later?" Vic smiled as we arrived to his class.

"Sure." I smiled back and gave him a quick peck on his lips before I started walking to my class. The class was practically on the other side of school, but I didn't really care since the teacher was always late anyway. And even if I arrived late, he wouldn't even notice. I've always wondered why the class was that far away from the other ones. Seriously, in this part of school was just that one class along with Josh's office. Speaking of Josh, I saw him sitting at his table, reading a book as I was passing by since he doesn't close his door most of the time.

"Hey, Josh." I greeted him from the doors. He quickly lifted his head up and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Kellin, is something wrong?" He asked me immediately. He's been asking me that a lot since I told him about my mom. It was nice that he cared, he was almost like my friend. I know, kinda sad for a teenage boy to be friends with his teacher, but whatever.

"No, I just wanted to say 'hi' before I head to class." I told him with a shrug.

"Okay, come in if you want to." He suggested.

"No it's alright, I'm probably gonna head to my class now." I said and just then I remembered to ask him about the door. "Actually, I wanted to ask you, why do you keep you door opened? Because everytime I pass your office by, it's opened." I gave him a curious look.

He just smiled and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just don't have anything to hide, so..." He said and I nodded. I heard footsteps and as I turned my head in the direction the sound was coming from, I saw my teacher.

"Anyway, I gotta go, my teacher's coming." I told Josh.

"Alright, see you later." He smiled.

"Bye." I smiled back and headed over to my class.

I've Been Saving Myself For You (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now