Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(Patience pov)

My alarm sounded awaking me from my nightmare, or shall I say dream. I didn't understand why I was dreaming about Snake and then it would flip to King protecting me. As far as I knew the two men had nothing to do with one another but in my mind I'd always compared them.

I showered, got dressed, and prepared for another day teaching.

"Okay class, we're not going outside it's too wet to have recess however, I've set up stations, an art station to draw/color, over here we have the movie station, and here's the board game station. "

The class applauded and and begin to seperate off.

"Wait though!" I added. "It's rules that you must know. I need group leaders, and you guys will be in charge of your group, that means cleaning up after and making sure your group uses inside voices only. So who would like to be a group leader. "

Keara and three other students raised their hand.

"Keara art leader, Jamal movie leader, and Ashley game leader." I watched them go to their diff groups and the fourth little boy just stood with his head low.

"Daquan I have a special job for you." His smile instantly appeared.

After getting the kids settled into their activities I sat and watched them. I truly had a passion for teaching, being able to make a difference in a child's life was everything to me.

"Ms.B look." Keara interrupted my thought handing me her picture.

I grabbed the picture from her and examined it thoroughly.

It was a picture of a man with roses, a lady standing beside him with heart eyes, a little girl, and a lady in the clouds.

"I love it Keara. Who are they?"

"Well..." She giggled then added. "That's my dad right there, that's my mom in the sky, I don't know her but daddy says she's gone to heaven, and that's me right there.

"And who's this?" I asked curious about the lady standing next to her dad. I figured King had a girlfriend or wife. It's always something with them type of guys.

"That's you!" She smiled.

"Me?" I asked confused.

"Yes, I see the way you and daddy look at each other. I told my dad I need a mommy but he never listen."

"Wow...umm.. Beautiful picture Keara."

I was a little shocked but a tad bit interested in King now that I knew he wasn't with Keara's mom. Believe it or not I was anxious to see him after school. Even though I know he's no good for me, I can't help but think about him.

"Oh yeah Ms.B, you don't have to worry about my dad being late today. Our nanny is coming to pick me up."

Those words burst my bubbles instantly.

Here I was excited about seeing him only to find out I wouldn't.

"Humph I guess that's God's way of telling me to stay focused." I thought.

After small talk and playing with my students class was over.

"Keara I thought you said your nanny was coming today?" I asked irritated but then again excited that maybe King was coming after all.

"That's what my dad said, ugh may I see your phone .. again?"

She dialed and the phone rung once before someone picked up.

"Dad I thought you said Taresa was coming today, every one's gone and she's not here still."

"Okay baby girl, I'm on my way." He said.

My heart began racing. I was going to see him after all.

I played with Keara for another 15 minutes before we heard someone walking in the hallway. I began to fix my hair to make sure my appearance was A1.

"Get your bag and c'mon lil girl." I looked up to see a lady instead of King.

"Hi, I'm Keara's teacher Ms.Brown and you are?" I asked knowing this lady was far too young to be a nanny.

"Uh, I'm none yo damn business, Keara getcho shit so we can go, hurry the fuck up before I beat yo ass!" The lady said angrily.

"Here I come Taresa, gosh and Ms.B she's the nanny." Keara spoke seeming unaffected by the tone the lady used with her. Personally, it pissed me off.

"She's a child. Don't talk to her like that and by the way she's not going anywhere, her father is on his way." I said trying to sound American.

She stepped directly into my face. "Look lady, her stupid ass dad sent me to get his stupid ass child and that's what the fuck I'm doing." She motioned her finger in my face. "Now watch me walk up out of here with her."

She yanked Keara's arm and basically drug her to the hall while saying "I don't know what King see in her none talking ass." extremely loud so I could hear.

I could see Keara about to cry so I instantly went after them but before I could react King gripped the lady's head.

"My daughter Taresa?... You gone take some personal feelings you have for me out on my daughter bitch!" He screamed enraged.

The lady cried. "King you know I love Keara. I didn't mean it I'm just having a bad day."

King begin throwing punches at the lady drawing blood with each contact.

"Daddy! Stop! Please stop!" Keara screamed crying.

Apparently Keara's begging brought him out of his black out.

He didn't even look at me, he just picked Keara up and walked out.

I drove home with the incident on my mind heavy.

I could've sworn I seen a car following me but after a few more blocks they were gone. "Maybe I'm just extremely paranoid and riled up." I thought.

I never got into a fight before. Back in the islands I never had too, my people strongly believed that women weren't meant to fight, period, it was considered unlady like however being forced into the U.S I see that I may have to and today, I would have with no regrets. I would fight for any child but especially for Keara. It was something about the little girl that I loved, besides the fact that I was interested in her father.

As I was getting out of my car, an all black car drove down my street slowly, the same car I thought was following me earlier.

Being that my street was a dead end they had no choice but to u turn. They went back by, slow yet again, then completely stopped in front of my car.

I squinted my eyes trying to see through the tint but had no luck.

"What the fuck, why did I come straight home." I started to panick and blame myself

The car sat for another 30 seconds then sped off.

I knew instantly who that was. Either it had something to do with lady from the school earlier or Snake had finally caught up with me.

I went to bed that night with a knife under my pillow.

Scared was an understatement I felt eery and uneasy. I knew things were about to get bad.

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