Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Patience's Pov

"Okay each one of you guys is going to stand up and say your ABC's from "A" to "Z" then I'll give each of you a sight word to spell. Starting with you Keara since you're on the first row then we'll work our way around."

She stood and all eyes were on her.

"Y'all ain't gotta stare at me like that, like I don't know mine, I studied!" She joked with everyone I just smiled.

"A B C D E F etc" she spoke each letter clearly and in the right order just like I'd ask.

"Okay Keara, spell the word "Cat"." I ordered.

"No, Ms.B three letter words are for babies. Give me something harder." She dared.

"Hmm okay, spell "house"." I dared back.

"H.O.U.S.E, is that right?" She asked.

I put my hands over my mouth in shock, that wasn't even one of their sight words, I was about to teach her a lesson about biting off more than she could chew but instead she schooled me.

"Yes, that's correct. I'm so proud of you." I smiled.

She took a bow then sat in her desk.

After going around the room a whole hour had passed and it was time for them to go to P.E.

I walked them down the long hallway to the gym then returned back to the class room to file papers and compute grades plus I had a meeting scheduled with one of my students parents, Timothy. See Timothy started off strong but now he seemed to be unfocused and falling behind.

"Ms.Brown you have a visitor, are you in the middle of a lesson?" Mrs.Johnson, the office secretary, spoke through the intercome.

"No, actually the kids are at P.E., they can come on in."

I tried to hurry and put the last few grades in before the parents arrived.

"Well, Well, Well look who it is." A deep familiar baritone sent chills through my body. I turned from the computer to look "death" right in the face.

I started to run for the door but he grabbed my neck with his overly big hands.

"How long you thought you was gon hide from me?"

I didn't say anything, tears began to swell in my eyes as he chocked me.

"Look me in my eyes when I'm talking to you." He slapped me to the floor then yanked me back up to his face.

I starred into his angered devilish eyes with fear. His snake eyed contacts made him appear as the devil. The last time I seen him he had a demonic snakehead in the center of his eyes now his whole face was filled with snakes.

I tried my best to fight him off but that only angered him more.

It went from getting choked to me becoming his personal punching bag.

"I'll be at yo house by 8, if yo ass ain't there. Ima kill you." His split snake tongue made it's way to my neck, I pushed away with the little strength I had over his big muscular body. Again, he pulled me to his muscular frame.

"You thicker than ever, we gon have fun tonight."

I started to spit in his face but quickly thought of the consequences.

He gave me one last look then walked out the door.

I gathered as many paper towels as possible to wipe my bloody mouth and try to straighten up before it was time to go get the kids from P.E.

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