22 | Only A Descendent

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Nearly a whole day. That's how far away I am from the cabin in the woods, and even further from my home.

Home. I almost laugh at the word.

Home is a place where you can always go to seek refuge and comfort. The Visari territory is a place I can never go back to. Not as long as Andre or his narcissistic spawn hold the title of 'Alpha.'

So no, the Visari pack isn't my home anymore. So where is?

Beside me, Riot tugs on his disheveled hair for about the millionth time.

We're walking along a towering stone wall, one I have to crane my neck to see the top of. The closer we get to the large golden gates in the distance, the more anxiety I can sense rolling off of my mate. The big infamous Alpha is nervous? I never thought I'd see the day.

"You're gonna go bald," I comment. "And I'm not waxing your head when you get sunburnt so you might as well stop."

Suddenly he growls, loud and thunderous. Okay... guess somebody's not in the mood for jokes.

"I smell your blood," he grits out.

"Yeah? What else is new?" I say sarcastically.

The wound had started bleeding through the bandage again. My shirt is so oversized that it hasn't gotten into the red mess yet. Although I didn't think it was bad enough to smell yet either.

He comes to a sudden stop, grabbing my wrist and jerking me to face him. "Why didn't you tell me you were bleeding again?!"

"What would you have done? Thrown me on the ground and started open surgery?"

He growls louder, almost a roar. "Adrienne, you could fucking die! Stop treating your life like it's a joke!"

I snort. "Isn't it though?"

He makes a grab for the hem of my shirt, but I dodge his hand just in time. He follows me and tries again, this time with me smacking his hand away.

"Let me see," he warns with a deadly undertone.


He lunges at me in a slew of mumbled curses, catching me between his arms. My back is pinned against his chest, his growl rumbling lowly in my ear. As he's reaching for my shirt again, a spike of adrenaline kicks in. I smear my palm against his face, trying my damnedest to push this big bastard away and disorient him in the process.

"Get off of me!"

Something warm and slimy swipes across my hand. In an instant I jerk it back, mortified. Did he just...

"YOU SICK FREAK!" I wipe my palm frantically against the side of my leg, hoping that if I rub hard enough then the spit will just disintegrate.

He takes my moment of weakness as his opening. The side of my shirt if halfway up before I can retaliate by doubling over and bear-hugging his arm, as if strangling it would actually work. 

"That must be them." Somebody whispers and both of us freeze.

"Who else would it be? Hurry up, open the gates!" A voice hisses back to the first.

Riot and I's heads snap up simultaneously. There are two guards who are glancing warily at us as they scramble to push the large golden gates apart. Senya must have told them to expect us... among other things.

With a dignified glare towards Riot— one which he returns— we start forward again on the sidewalk as if the altercation hadn't happened.

"Riot Sydney. I didn't think we'd ever see you again," the guard to the right, the one furthest from me, speaks.

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