1. To Begin With

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Before we start the story, I want to remind you that this story have sexual parts, heart breaks, and a lot of dumb decisions. Either way, please show a lot of love !!

Let me remind everyone, the BOLD  words are a/n. If you're reading and saw some Bold words , then that's just me.

And English is NOT my first language so any mistakes, please forgive me !!! Okay I'll stop.

-Also, this book is updated on May 20th, 2020. There's still some mistakes and I will still change it in the future if I want to. 

There are some change, which they are college students instead of co-workers and stuff. One thing about me nowadays, I don't care if you think Taehyung have a vagina or whatever, as long as he can be fertile, then that's the end of the discussion.  Therefore, enjoy!

Eight years old Kim Taehyung was running around the small hanok that has been built for many years

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Eight years old Kim Taehyung was running around the small hanok that has been built for many years. Every time when he arrives at the hanok, he couldn't help but to run around like the little kid he is. 

The laughter and the stomp of a running foot from the child was making everyone have a headache. 

"Ah, my baby, you need to stop running around before you fall," his mother, Alina, stopped him with her hands extended to stop the small boy. 

"I like the floor," Taehyung answered. 

Lina sighed, but her smile wouldn't fade. "I know, but you could still fall." 

"This is the famous Kim Taehyung?" The right years old looked behind him upon hearing the voice. 

He looked away with nervousness when he saw who it was. It's his grandfather. He knew that his grandfather is a nice man, somehow he doesn't think he could ever be close to him.

"Ah, yeah, it's my youngest child, Taehyung," Lina pulled him to her side with a smile displayed on her lips, "say hi to your grandpa," she spoke to the young child. 

He looked up to his mother before looking at his grandfather with his big doe eyes. His grandfather chuckles with a heartful laugh. "Don't worry yourself with it. I know Taehyung is still shy." 

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