sweet smelling strawberries

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He awoke with out a fuss, nothing amiss, nothing wrong. Yet when he looked up, he didn't recognize the world around him.

"Are you okay by yourself?"

He moved his tiny head up to see someone, or something, he couldn't quite recognize. So, he paused, and waited for a little bit as he snuggled into his little body

His soft, small, fluffy body, with fluffy paws and these floppy things that he could tell helped with hearing.

Then it came to him.
He was a bunny.
The person above him was also a bunny.
The bunny above him was his mother.

The train of thoughts kept going.

He was on the ground.
The ground had leaves, so it was a forest floor.
'Makes sense, there are a lot of tall things around,' he thought.
The tall things are called trees.

Then he realized, there weren't any trees in front of him, there were just leaves, green leaves.

These leaves where huge.
And they had these red things that were even bigger.
The red things are strawberries.
'Well, then those are some big strawberries, they're bigger than both of our bodies,' he compromised with himself.

He spent a good second thinking over the mass of the strawberries, seeing as the average sizes of these berries were those of basketballs, tennis balls, and giant blown up balloons.

As he contemplated the field of giant strawberry bushes, everything in his head slowly started to connect together.

He was a small bunny that was 5 weeks old by now. His mother was moving his siblings around so they could live on their own, and out of 6, two were already moved away. She didn't give them all names, only one or two. The others, including him, called each other by who came out when, but the others called him runt because of his small size.

'But aren't we supposed to be with her until 8 weeks?'
Don't know.

For some reason, it felt as if, if he were to come across something troubling, then he could handle it.

' But all I've been doing is sitting here. It's quite literally only been less than 5 seconds.'

"Here, let me show you what to do, how to eat if you will"

The mother suddenly suggested. Curious about what she was talking about, he followed her a meter or two into the field, when she found a perfectly ripe strawberry that was growing healthy on the ground and not rotting, like the rest of them.

"Okay, what you're going to want to do to eat is to bite these strawberries, like this,"
"Now you take a bite, but be careful, they're sour."

She was a bunny, so her face showed nothing, but she had an air about her that said otherwise. But he took a bite anyway and decided what happens happens and for whatever could happen happened upon him, he could deal with it.
And deal with it he did.

The strawberries were delicious.
They were sweet, tangy, and full of flavor that he couldn't even describe.
He knew that whatever this place was, he would love it.

... ... ... ... ...

'Why is he so small.'
She asked herself for the millionth, and hopefully last time.

'He was a child of that man, of course he won't be totally normal; although all of his siblings seem to be normal-ish'

Sweet Smelling StrawberriesWhere stories live. Discover now