sweet smelling strawberries :3

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Hey there

It's been a year or three since the small poof-ball moved into the neighborhood, and he's taken to a large area around his home. It was as if a wolf took over a small bit of land instead of a bunny trying to take more than he can chew, and this bunny can chew a lot.

He's grown bigger then he was when he first moved in, and he's definitely bigger than the smallest seen strawberries and as comfortably long as a glasses case. He made a sort of a schedule for his days, and he gladly follows it.

In the morning, the still-surprisingly-small bundle of fur wakes up an hour after the sun rises and strolls around the hole until he goes out to eat some dying strawberry leaves. In the winter when his coat turns full-on white, the strawberries are growing in their football size in other areas of their bushes, so even if it snows, the strawberries still persist. Although in the winter he stays in longer. But it's not winter, it's spring/summer, so let's focus a bit on this time frame.

In the morning he goes outside to scavenge for any dying leaves to eat, heads over to the now perfect size (for a non-drowning bath) stream for a drink, and does a take around of his entire claimed territory. Then, after a light lunch of small strawberries, he goes to the cow statue for his usual two gulps of milk, then runs to the river again to dilute the strong formula. Two parts milk, 5 parts water seem to be the best balance that both fills and energize his being. He then plays in the pink flower field that's to the right of the black burned area he found to let loose until he finds it's time for dinner and bed.

Sometimes he finds a catipillar, and he follows it until sunset.
Sometimes he sees a bird and climbs the highest thing he can until it's out of distance. Sometimes, when he's at the very edge of a cliff he found, he can just barely point out a line of trees, and he wonders which way he came from. But to him, it doesn't matter that much, and his home is awesome, so why would he even want to move out for a stupid reason anyway?

... ...

It was a beautiful summer day, with magic cicadas humming their low song, magic bugs off all sorts trying to get their fill from both the many strawberries, and the milk deity's surprisingly floppy nipples.
'I wonder where that voice I had went...'
He obviously wondered randomly.

He had kept the voice in his head in his dreams and let the deep voiced man argue in said dreams the difference between an "English" lifestyle, the one of which has the first language he learned ever, and a private "Japanese" lifestyle, which he also came to love. Although, eventually the voice started talking about moving and knowing that the smallest bunny is safe as it slowly faded from his dreams.

'I guess he moved and is talking to one of my other siblings. He was really nice, I bet they like him.'

He was heading towards his favorite field when he thought that, but halfway there, towards the milk deity statue, he heard a faint noise that was construction work, like putting up tents.
But he didn't know what construction was so he's just thought it was a lot of banging against the ground with a solid piece of metal for no reason.

He decided to go look at what all the commotion was, so he hopped his surprisingly fast little bunny tush merrily to the place of the sounds, and at the underbrush of a particularly squash-like strawberry bush, he found the edge of what looked like a small base. There were men and women, all dozens of times bigger than him, running around trying to do their separate tasks.

Some were gently clearing out more room from where the first space of the first cleared plant was/is. Some were planning something with a big clipboard, and others were following orders given by the clipboard people and setting up tents. But there wasn't too many people. He was small but he was also big enough to see that for whatever their plans were, there seemed to be barely over a dozen of them.

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