sweet smelling strawberries 4

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It was the next day over from when the small child found his new "neighbors" setting up camp. He ignored the thought of them being a thing and went on with his day until he thought it was time to visit the statue. However, what he found was a little bit more surprising than usual.

What he found was the people from yesterday around the statue. He recognized some of the people were the same as the ones around what he thought was a map. He circled the group to get a better look at what they were doing, and he found that the three from around the map were trying to milk the statue, while the three that he couldn't recognize were lazing around.

The three that were being serious looked as if they weren't going anywhere for awhile, so the small little fluff ball decided go back to the river to then come check on the statue later. And later it was when the small smallin came back to see that the three adults had finally given up for the moment, retreating to eat away from the statue.

Other than the strawberries, which were widespread across the field, the little bunny had nothing to eat that day, and still being a technical baby/toddler, he needed the nutrition that he had grown accustomed to from the statue. Though, in order to get said nutrition, he would have to be really, really sneaky so that the people won't spot him, and try to follow him if he decides to go home afterwards.

Luckily, he had rubbed himself against the green moss in his den and the grass from the flower fields, so he should look green enough to not be seen.
He crouched himself into a low position, using his bunny senses to detect or predict if one of the larger-than-him men would spot him or yell at him. He slowly crawled until he was hidden from the humans by the statue's large leg. It was when he took a sip that things went wrong.

"Hey!! What are you doing!! Run off!!"

The human that he had a staring competition with yesterday started yelling at him for taking a sip. But it worked because the loud yelling was new and scary compared to the other things that were once new in his life.

He started to Sprint for the small stream, the river and creek was too big for him still, and he knew enough about survival to know not to go home immediately in fear of the people following him and doing something terrible. Although, when he turned around to see if he was being followed, he found that he was alone. He was too fast for the humans, even if he was multiple times smaller than them.

But even so, the experience was far too scary to repeat, so he decided that the next day he would go to the statue early so that he wouldn't have to see them.

The next day he did just what he said he would do the day before and visited the statue before those explorers could find it again. He spent the rest of his day like he does every other day: loving every part of his life and lovingly living through every little bit of it. He even went through his stuff again that night, and never had he felt so proud of what he has. The next day was quiet too; except for the yelling adult that were trying to get milk from the statue again. He knows what's wrong, and the second most importantly thing is that two out of three of the adults are trying to milk it really roughly, and the milk deity doesn't like that. It's on par with the gods, of course it would have some rules.

The most important thing, however, is that the sacred animal milk deity statue only gives milk to the young, and for those that need it. It makes sense for why they're yelling at the statue embodiment and pulling at the udders roughly if they don't know the full legend and terms of conditions.

'My technical terms and conditions of drinking the milk is that I'm forced to be uber healthy and grow, and even that's a challenge when the milk is so concentrated from years of refinement. They can't just take the milk for themselves unless it's for someone else. I wonder if they know that?'

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