sweet smelling strawberries 2

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He's been in the field for a few weeks, he might have even been a month or two and at mid-day by the time he discovers something other than more giant strawberries.

During this time, a deep-ish voice has been going through his head with another way of speaking, another language, and another way of living, another culture. He likes the culture, it seems nice and modest, although he didn't have much of a human lifestyle before this bubble of culture, so he doesn't have anything to compare it with.

What he can compare is his languages. The one he learned since birth, although complex, he knows fluently, and he's sure that if he did go anywhere, then anything close would be in English. But the other language is so cool. He decided to learn the language, and as the bubble of thoughts that wasn't his continued above his head, he found something very interesting.

It might not have been much, but he found some reasonably soft dirt, and although he couldn't see anything around at all, how could he when he's as small or smaller than a tennis ball, he couldn't resist building his first very own nest in his very own hole. This boy was outside far too much to resist such an opportunity.

He dug his hole, and he dug it fast. He was small, but he was also speedy, and dirt went flying. In minutes his tunnel was so deep it was the size of three strawberry bushes on top of each other, and that's impressive, so he decided to make the hole be a bit level and to go up a little. He then worked on the hard part, the actual rooms. It was close to sunset when he finished his layout, so he decided to forage for some house warming gifts.

He found moss and small fauna that were glowing, so he attached it the the roof and edges of his little homely nest. He found soft leaves and bunched up grass, and used it as a sort of bedding. Then he took a very small and barely ripe strawberry that was plenty bigger than him and dragged it down the hole he made that was also plenty bigger than him.

When he fell asleep he dreamt of all the things he could have or could of had if he had been with the deep voiced guy in his dream. Meanwhile, his magic and some of said deep voiced man's magic unpacked and teleported all the thing the small bunny owns, including something's said bunny doesn't own, but instead are the product of his dreams, which are a product of where the deep voiced man is.

The next day the small bunny wakes up to his over the top nest filled with over the top items. There's clothes, metals, jewelry, silverware of the Asian kind all around. He stood in awe and a sense of proudness before he happily went on with his day.

This day was an important day, for he would find many a things he would need to survive, 'Like that stream I just passed.'

He stopped, realizing what he just thought. He also realized what was way far ahead of him, two giant bodies of water, one huge and one bigger than him. Two flowing points of water that he couldn't cross even if he could float, which he can't. But the rivers was still meters away, maybe even kilometers away, and there was so many strawberry bushes in between that he wouldn't even dare to count.

So, he wiggled his small fluffy tail on his small white/peach/beige body and turned his tush around towards the small bunny sized stream that even if it was small, it was too deep for him, and he could barely hop over it.

He thinks,
'All I did was take a left from my home and I found the perfect stream :D,'
He went.

He was so happy from his find that he thumped his foot a little bit, and if you were an insect then maybe you could've heard something from his splay of happiness. After grinning in his head and on his head for a good while, he claimed a good enough bush for cover and room and marked it with his tiny claws and teeth, because rabbits definitely have teeth.

After his snack/meal he went on home so he could immediately remember the way back to his small bunny den. He spent the rest of the day after that memorizing a fixed radius around the bush that hides his den.

The next day, the small ball of fluff felt a little off, a little weak.
For the past month (it most definitely has been a month by then) the smaller-than-your-hand child has admittedly been getting weaker, but he hasn't noticed it until that morning. But he quickly brushed it off and planned his day accordingly. He knew by then that the strawberries were toxic, but he also knew he was immune to the poison, so he chalked it up to nothing and continued on to the small creek that was still bigger than him.

He decided to explore the neighborhood, like he decides all the things he does, and he went left, but forward from the stream, the stream of course facing his back. He walked and hopped and hobbled all the way in the field until he felt he was halfway home, but in a different direction, to the left of home, to the far left of home.

He noticed the not so dense forest of giant strawberries spreading out some more, and it all cleared up to a big cleared out space with a big grey rock in the middle.
The big rock was a statue of some sort. It looked to have two arms and two legs sitting up in a criss cross position with it's lower belly being a bit large compared to the ribs. Infact, it was very large compared to the ribs, and it looked to stay that way as it was a humanoid version of a very large cow.

The cow was so large that the young floof wasn't even sure if it only had two arms.

'Maybe it has four arms?'

Went the small cylinder ball of fluff.
Remember, he's tiny, so he can't see that high, but he can note that the muzzle of the cow is rounded, the hoofs of the arms look like blocky fingers making a 👌 meditating sign, the hooves of the legs look like feet and toes, and the udders look like it's dripping cream.

'Wait, cream?'

He did a double take and paid attention specifically to the large nipples of the cow's udders that seem to reach all the way down to the flat stone the statue was sitting on. He noticed milk dripping out that was so thick and welcoming that it made his head spin, and it was this head spinning and simple paranoia that had the boy laying down waiting for a good while.

After a good hour in the now afternoon sun, the spinning went away and the paranoia was resolving itself.
It was as if the statue was saying to come closer, that it wouldn't hurt him. As if it was saying 'my milk can help you, please don't be scared'.

It was as if it was coexing the rabbit baby closer and explaining that it was a magic statue that gave milk to those that were weary and deserved it. And if it didn't try to say that, then the small boy thought of it on his own. He crawled easily under the cow's leg and studied the as-large-as-his-body nipple and licked it, taking the droplet of creamy milk right from the strangly warm grey flesh straight into his small stomach, and it truly was magical.

The tiredness and lack of vitamins that's been stacking up over the month has been given to him almost in triplet. He knew he would have to come back tomorrow.


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