Storytime and info w/ Devi

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Haywo! It's Devi and as the childish person I am, I will tell you a little story.

Once upon a time,

Me and Kelly were sitting outside of our houses, just talking about the story UNTIL we see a car that has a guy drinking tea riding outside the car. Then, we see him open the truck and we see a guy jump out and start putting flags outside the house for the 4th of July. But that's when me and Kelly realized.... Why can people be as cute as him? Like he was strong( he hand no shirt on which made it worse) but makes it even worse is we are thinking about another man. Yes, we are both dating and we are thinking about other people, messed up I know. But to me what this experience showed me was,.... WHY CANT THERE BE A REAL LIFE... nm. So now to the none interesting part.

Writing stories with this chick is hard.

I'm basically the editor of the story, so I make everything look decent. So before we can publish the chapter, I have to scroll threw for proper.... EVERYTHING. Its not that bad because I get to see what our minds come up with together, but it's just her spacing... So weird. She makes everything interesting while I basically edit everything so yeah. But we are going to work for a update schedule because I have stuff going on during the week, and we both work best at night(haha life), so we will make it work, even during school. But we will see you next time, NIGHT NIGHT!

Devi❤(maybe a Q &A coming soon)

Current time: 3:34am

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