Chapter :D 8

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Chapter 8:≈>Destiny?

Your pov:

"He is.......

Jin!!! Seokjin,
*Pheww, it wasn't him....* I thought.She continued saying
"My Facebook friend, but I just said that it's better to be just friend....." "Do you still like Jongsuk?"I asked and Jisoo said"I don't know..." We all nodded and Rose said"Well, don't worry everything will be fine Soon."

Then  after eating lunch we went to our own sections, me, Lisa, Rose And Jihyo are in "A"section and jisoo is in "B" section.Then Rose said "I heard that today in the evening the teachers are going to held a fairwell for the upcoming principal."

We nodded and Lisa said"I heard the new principal is very good at Arranging things." Then I said" isn't it's English's oral test today?" "Sh*t I forget about it."we all cursed in unison.

Aishhhh,my mouth!!! I shouldn't had cursed it's a bad thing.Then, the Senior head girl came and said"y/n~ah, can you please inform the Other prefects that after Lunch they have to gather all the students At the assembly ground as teachers are busy arranging stuffs for the Farewell."

I nodded and we all jumped in happiness.So that means no test!!!Kyahhhhh.Hmmm, I should go to inform other prefects
As well.I looked at lisa and said"So, Let's go to inform others."

She nodded and we headed towards other prefects.While
We were informing others, I saw Irene and said"Irene~ah!!!
wait."She stopped walking and waved at me and I went
Towards her.

Then said"Oh, the head girl said that today after lunch we
Have assemble all students towards the assembly ground
As most of the teachers as busy in arranging stuffs for the


She nodded and said"Oh, the bell rang.So would you come
With me in the senior block since I alone can't order them
To get assembled on the ground."I nodded in a confused

Then we went towards the senior block and while I was
Taking the seniors to the assembly, I saw Yoongi.Looking
Shyly at me.Is something wrong with him? Who knows?
Maybe that again my imagination thinking he notices me.

"Ohk, Everyone move towards the assembly....." I turned and
Saw Baekhyun sunbae.He looked kinda shocked and ran
Away.*Weirdo*Come on I am not a ghost or an alien, why is
He reacting as if I will kill him or eat him.

"Let's go, I have checked every class and no one is left."Irene
Said and I nodded and went towards the assembly ground.

"Everyone attention, the line you all are in according to your
Class, now make a line separate boys and girls."Said The
Vice principal.

We nodded and everyone separated."Hey, I have to give the attendance to that boy prefect but I can't go there."said the
President of our class and I said"I will give it to him, give me that"she passed it to me.

Then, I went towards Junghyun~sunbae, and I give that to him.Then, I saw Minho aka a teaser who always calls
Me saying"Yoongi!!! Oh are you here to see Yoongi?"He wasn't
In line.

Then I said"Yah, Minho ~ah move in the line."He didn't respond and I went towards him then he slowly went in his
Line and said" Aish, how many times I have said you, Going
Isn't here."I shook my head and turned back.........

And was about to fall, as something was on the floor and it
Wasn't a thing actually, Well thanks to this guy,I quickly
Take a good grip on his shoulders, maybe it was D.O"Mianhe!
I am really sorry."I said quickly.

To my bad luck the guy Turned towards me and he wasn't D.O, oh no damn it!!!Why him!?!









Hello readers!!! You know what we have summer holidays, and they are freaking boring.Well, at least
I hope you will enjoy reading this chapter.

Cya readers❤


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