Pârt - 40 💘

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"Toh suru kare" Anika whispered and Shivay's eyes widened , his mouth hung open and jaw touched ground and like a serial Actress he too turn back slowly...

His eyes went wide and he opened and close his mouth few times and suddenly start laughing loudly like manic ... "Shivay u seriously gone crazy" he said to himself and turn his back towards Anika again ..
"Haan pagal toh tum ho hi" Anika whispered and put her little baby back in her place... As soon as she put baby back , Shivay once again turn towards Anika and stare her with wide eyes, he blink once more and look towards baby who is hitting and kicking air from hands and legs...

"See u are also in your place and i was watching you in your mumma lap" he said and pick his little angle in arms, who is smelling like milk .. "Papa need to change baby cloth too" he said and rub his nose against her daughter.. "See Anika i m taking good care of our baby na" Shivay said looking towards Anika whom he thought his imagination...  "yup u are, Actually i m thinking i will join office from tomorrow for handling ur business and u will take care of our babies" Said Anika playing along , Shivay thought for a minute and his eyes went wide "Babies" he said pouting sadly "but u aren't here na, How will i do that with you for making others" He sighed sadly... "U can do th.. that with me" Anika look down shyly and blushed like a new wedded girl "Afterall u are my husband" she lowered her gaze and Shivay smiled widely.. "Obviously i will do that with you , i did that with you before too even last time you got hickey on your lower abdomen" Shivay said and smiled foolishly thinking himself smart for talking with his imagination , Anika's face went beetroot red and she played with hem of her dress shyly... "bade besharm ho" Anika whispered and closed her eyes feeling more shy... "Haan tum toh bilkul nahi ho , Are who on the hell ask why i have breasts and u haven't" Said Shivay and start laughing loudly "I m going home back , u are making fun of me" Anika whinned and get up from her place .. "Don't go Anika" Shivay whispered in cracked voice making her feet zam on her place "U know i hadn't family , Aniee was my only family and when i got our  angel Aniee went away now u too are going, Atleast u give me and my baby little company " he said his heart out thinking her as his imagination and put baby back on her place , he get up from his place and head towards wardrobe for taking out His baby dress

Tears poured from.Anika's eyes and she run towards shivay taking him in a bone crushing her , His eyes went wide when he felt her body against his, his leg get twist suddenly resulting both of them fell on couch... He raised his hand lightly and touched her eyes , cheeks and lips...

"I m original" Anika said irritatingly and wrapped her hands around him... Words died im his throat due to shock and he hesitantly wrapped his hands back still not believing her presence...

"A...A.. Are .. y.. yo.. you R..Re..Rea..Real?" Shivay shutter and Anika Claimed her lips against his frustratingly making his breathe hitched.. They both start kissing each other forgetting real and imaginary things , After getting satisfied they both pull apart and look in each other eyes with desires.. "U are real" Shivay said happily and again pull her body against his and smiled widely but next second his eyes went wide and he push her away from him making her fall on her bum..

"Aaaucchhh !! Idiot" Anika winched and he stare her silently.. "What's wrong with you?" Anika said pouting sadly.. "What are you doing here ? ,How you get in my house , Did you remembered our one year?" Shivay asked and joined Anika on floor by sitting beside her..  "I m here for my husband and baby, Dad helped me in getting inside , No i don't remember everything but i remember my delivery and now being inside in this memory room , i think soon i will remember everything soon" Anika said with a teasing smirk playing on her lips.. Smiling a little shivay slide towards her little and his hand brushed against her making both of them shiver..

"You can hug me" Anika whispered with a low smile noticing his fist and the next moment two hands wrapped around Anika crushing her in a bone tight hug...  Taking their own time they part away and look each other face for some more minutes..

"U shouldn't make fun of my that difference question?" Anika said breaking silence and faking sadness..

"Which question ?" Shivay ask confusingly..

"Ummm that question" Anika said lowering her gaze , Shivay bite his tongue getting her mean and smile sheepishly towards her "I didn't knew u were here" he shutters and Anika laughed shyly..

They both went in silent mode again and look towards each other awkwardly..

"I know u need time Anika and it's all new for you , U can take as much as time u want and if you want i will sleep in another room too" Said Shivay breaking silence, Anika smiled and look towards him with respect in her eyes..

"NO need to go in other room , we already kissed some minutes before" Anika chuckled awkwardly "But i need time for other things , i mean.... " Anika shutter looking down..

"I too need time in adjusting with this Anika" Shivay murmured to himself  with a smile and look towards Anika but this time with serious expression "Anika , if you are ready for accepting our marriage because of baby then u have time to back off , i will never stop you for meeting our baby even i promise i will let u live with our baby too" Shivay said with a little fear ..

Anika stare him with more respect and smile heartily "I m not a fool shivay , who will let a man like you go away from me , I m thousand percent sure i will never get someone better than you" Anika said with a heart warm smile on her face...

"If you get then" Shivay ask curiously ...

"Then i will leave him someone else like me because i will already have you na" Anika said pouting cutely and staring him with new rised feeling which is getting more strong in each passing second..

Sighing in relief Shivay hug Anika friendly which is totally different from friendly hug and whisper "All tension finished" he smiled little and kissed her forehead..

"One more Question?" Shivay said with sheepish smile getting up from his place and forward his hand to Anika for taking his hand..

"Shoot" Anika said rolling her eyes and take his hand for getting up from everything..

"How u get to know everything?" He asked.. Smiling a little Anika told him everything about her doctor visiting , fighting and asking with dad and about news too.. Passing little smile to her , Shivay pulled Anika against his chest and kissed her forehead again..

"I never wanted you to go from all that" he whispered against her forehead..

"I know" Anika whispered back against his chest..

"I love you" he said gathering his all courage

"Me too" Anika whisper with blush and dig her face more in his chest

"But we both need time" they both whispered together and smiled , their moment get broke by the soft cry of angel who was craving for her parents attention , Making their way to bed they both lay on each side of their angel and threw pillow wall away , they kissed both side of her cheek and intwinged their fingure together ..

"U are our cupid" they kissed her once again and patt her head lovingly making her drift in sleep and itself closed eyes for welcoming their next best and wonderfull morning ..


THE END ..😃😃


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