Chapter 3 ~I'm Trying ~

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{toby's pov}

It was bright but dark at the same time ej cave me a pill its probably a sleeping pill by the taste of it

I feel weird

My stomach hurts I shouldn't have ate

Ej says it's because I haven't ate in a while so my body doesn't know what to do

I haven't 7 days I was starting

But my body keeps regretting it making me throw up all the time

It hurts I feel so weak but I keep going just so I don't seem weak

I can't really walk without falling I'm getting weaker by the day

Something is still telling me not to eat but I feel like I should

I feel like I need to wake up I don't know how long I've been in this room

{third person pov}

Toby keeps twitching and saying stuff like

"7 days starving"

"it hurts"

"weaker by the day"

And such slender has been writing it all down for safety reasons

Everyone was concerned and confused for the poor boy

"Wait if he says '7 days starving' does that mean he hasn't ate in 7 days?" Ben said

"yes that's probably it" slender said

"omg" Ben and Jane said

"poor thing he's been staring himself for the 2 week he's been trying to get up in the morning but he's getting weaker" EJ said as he walked in

"wait 2 weeks?" LJ said

"yes he only ate a little bit but would be sick right after" EJ said as he put the monitor on his finger

"blood pressure is okay now

Heart rate is okay as well he should wake up soon" EJ said

"okay ej anything else we should know" slender said

"yes if he doesn't eat he will collapse and fall into a coma" EJ said

"okay" slender said

Toby woke up a little his eyes looking grey a bit but still brown

"Toby lie down okay?" EJ said

"ok-ay" Toby said

"okay what pill did I give you" EJ said

"slee-ping pill" Toby said

"how do you know" EJ said

"the taste" Toby said

"and why is this" EJ said

"I ta-ke them ev-ery nig-ht" Toby said

"and why is that" EJ said

"bec-ause I can't sle-ep" Toby said

"slender know you know everything" ej said

"okay, now Toby why did you say 7 days starving, weaker by the day and it hurts"

"it's hurting because when I eat I feel like I have to be sick

7 days starving the voices telling me not to eat I was starving but I listened

Weaker by the day I'm getting weaker I can't walk without falling" Toby said without stuttering once

"Toby why did you listen?" slender said

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