Chapter 6 ~ aftermath ~

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It's been 2 days since toby's overdose he hasn't woke up yet

Everyone is getting worried incase he doesn't

The once happy Sally is sad

The once loud, smiling house is now dull and full of sadness

Ej said Toby might wake up but it's he's not sure since it was a very strong dose of the drug

>in toby's dream world<

Am I dead yet?

Can I final give up on life

"he might wake up i don't know his status is not the best" EJ said

Why can't I open my eyes, dammit

"do you think he will wake its been 2 days" jane  said

I've Been asleep for 2 days Jesus

"I'm not sure we just have to hope" ej said

"okay ej" Jane said

{third person pov}

"okay ej" Jane said everyone was in the room

Just then toby's body had a mini panic attack he started to shake like really bad

EJ rushed over and put a shot in his arm making him calm down

"What happened" jeff said

"he hand a panic attack I think he can hear us?" ej said

"really?" jeff said

"I think so" ej said

{back to toby's pov}

Why can't I say anything yes I can hear you

I'm should I try to move so they know u can hear them?

Ill try

Did I move my hand

"ej look!" Ben screamed

"ok Toby can you hear us?" ej said

I put a thumbs up

"you can?" he said I just nodded my head a bit

"okay just relax" ej said so I did I relaxed and opened my eyes a bit

"okay keep trying to open them" he said I got my eyes open all the way ever though my eyes were heavy

"try to speak" he said

"doesn't he know how to do that?" hoodie said

"when someone overdoses its hard for them to talk straight away he needs to relax" he said

"I'm fine" I said siting up

"Toby why did you overdose" ej said

"bec-ause I co-uld fin-ally be ha-ppy and you all cou-ld be happy too" toby said looking down

"WHY would you think that?, we would miss you dearly" slender said

" I don't know" Toby said

"Toby how many pills were in the bottle" slender said

"it was a new bo-tt-le" Toby said

"so you took all 35 of them?" ej said Toby just nodded his head

"Toby please don't do that again it's not healthy" ej said

"I'm so-rry I just wa-nted to be ha-ppy" Toby said

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