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Only a small Season One spoiler!

Jim sat on his bed replaying things in his head. He asked Claire out to the biggest night of their lives, by crawling through her window, and stuttering for a few minutes, until he finally coughed it up. He was so embarrassed. At least, she said yes, right?

"Honey, you should probably pick Claire up!" Dr.Lake called. His mom was so proud of him. Getting a cute girl, like Claire made her feel like a good person, or something. Jim didn't know what his mom felt. She still didn't know about the Trolls after the whole Strickler fiasco.

Jim raced downstairs, but quickly said goodbye to his mom, as he went to the garage to get his Vespa. He opened the garage door, and drove down the street in his sleek, blue Vespa that Blinky helped him build. He took off his helmet and went up to the Nuñez home. He was a nervous wreck, as he knocked on the door.

"Claire, I think he's here!" Mrs.Nuñez called. The front door opened, and Jim was standing there in his navy suit. His hair was nicer than usual, and he held a white and blue corsage for Claire.

"Step inside, Mr.Lake. She'll be down here soon." Mrs.Nuñez said. Jim had been on better accounts with Claire's parents, which surprised him. Jim waited near the front door, when he heard footsteps approaching the stairs. There she was. Jim must have been in utter shock and astonishment, because she blushed as soon as she saw his reaction.

Claire wore a long, white, strapless dress, that faded to purple at the skirt. Her hair didn't have the usual barrettes in her hair. It was neatly put into a low bun, with a pale purple flower, that peeks out to the right of her head. Her makeup was barely visible, and her lips were a dark, rosy shade. She wore dark purple flats, for her shoes. 

As she walked down the stairs, Jim approached her. He still had a wild expression on, but when her reached her, it faded away into a sweet, toothless smile. He gently placed the corsage on her right wrist, and held her hand in his.

"Alright lovebirds, quick photo. Then, you two have to get to the dance." Mrs.Nuñez said, snapping Jim out of the trance he was in. The couple got a nice photo together, with a surprise photo bomber peeking around the stairs. Enrique was happy as always, and when Claire saw him, she smiled.

Jim and Claire left the Nuñez home, hand in hand, as they walked to Jim's blue Vespa. They drove to the school passing by a group of trolls, underneath the bridge waving and holding a sign. The sign read "J.L+C.N" in big bold letters. The sign was held by AAARRGH, and Blinky waved his four hands around, like a mad man. Jim blushed slightly, while Claire smiled, and placed her chin on Jim's shoulder as they crossed the bridge.

They reached the school, which was bustling with people. Jim parked the Vespa, and helped Claire down, since she had a very long dress. The couple walked hand in hand, towards the school. They passed by Tody, with his beautiful date Darci, in her emerald green dress. 

The two couples said hi, and Darci gawked at Claire's dress. Jim told Toby about the trolls, and Toby couldn't contain himself. He confessed about making them do that, and Jim nearly freaked! Claire knew they had to move on, or Jim was going to blow a gasket. They said their goodbyes, as Jim and Claire ventured into the gymnasium. 

The gym was filled with bustling people, crowding around either couples, or the dance floor. There was punch, and a few light snacks, provided by a bakery in town. There was a silver disco ball, streamers, and other decorations of pink, blue and red of many shades and hues. A DJ was set up on the stage. There was even a photo booth, that took photos for no charge.

Jim and Claire looked around in amazement at how many volunteers and students transformed their gym to look like this. Jim and Claire headed over towards the bleachers, to talk to a few other couples. There were many of his friends like Eli, Mary and Steve. They all looked fabulous. They talked for a while, but then, a song came on that made Jim and Claire smile. It was the song that Jim played when he went to the hill, and danced with Claire.

He took her hand, and led her to the dance floor. He wrapped his one arm around her waist, and held Claire's hand in his other hand. They danced for a few seconds, just listening to the music, and the murmur of students. Then, Claire spoke:



"Are you ok? You seem a bit twitchy."

"What!? No...just..." Jim paused. Afraid of how to respond. He was panicked. He just wanted it to be perfect for Claire. The perfect night.


"Hm? Oh... Sorry, Claire. I just wanted this to be perfect. Worried something bad will happen." Jim hadn't heard from Blinky about any reports. He wasn't down in Trollmarket as often, and he just seeing them today was a shock. Even if Toby had told them to.

When he finally relaxed, the song had ended. So had two other songs. They finally announced the Prom King and Queen, which both Jim and Claire were nominated for.

"This year's prom king is... Jim Lake, everyone! Could he please com up to the stage, and your crown." Mrs.Janet called. Everyone gave him a round of applause, as he kissed Claire on the cheek, and made his way up to the stage. A golden crown was placed on his head, as everyone continued to cheer. Even Steve was cheering for him. Really loudly.

"And this year's prom queen is...," Mrs.Janet paused to build suspense. Jim scanned the room in a panicked way. He didn't want to have a prom queen, if it wasn't Claire. He was worried that she'd be mad, if he went and did all the traditional stuff they did at his school with another girl. Mrs.Janet cleared her throat, ready to state the name, that may end up tearing Jim's dreams in half.

"...Claire Nuñez!" 

Cheers erupted from the crowd, as the beautiful girl walked up the stairs, onto the stage to stand beside Jim. He was starstruck at his luck he had so far, and the beauty that his girlfriend portrayed. A golden tiara with purple gemstones, was placed on her head, which Claire purposely tilted slightly. 

The crowd started a cheer. "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss," It continued to grow, as Jim turned to face Claire. He was beet red, and so was Claire. Then, out of knowhere, Toby belted out "Get your cameras ready, folks! It's showtime." So, the crowd did.

Claire slid her hands into Jim's, before his blush became worse. She looked into his electric blue eyes, as he looked into her cocoa eyes. Then, Claire had enough waiting. She let go of his hands, and threw her arms around his neck. And, then kissed him in the sweetest way. 

Jim barely had time to react. He closed his eyes, and kissed her back, wrapping his hands around her waist. The crowd exploded into cheers, as the happy couple kissed on that stage. When the two pulled away, they wrapped themselves into a long lasting hug.

Another song played, as they walked off the stage. Find My Way Back by Eric Arges. Jim dragged Claire out to dance, only this time, it was perfect. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close, as she placed her hands around his neck. They swayed to the music.

Jim thought his luck couldn't have been better. He had all he needed: Claire wrapped in his arms. He wasn't panicked anymore. He was calm. Claire seemed to be happy, and that's all he cared about. Again, Claire was the first to speak, as she lifted her head from his chest.



"Thank you."

"For what?" He questioned, as he tried to keep back a chuckle from coming out. He didn't try hard, since it did manage to escape his throat.

"For everything. You made this night perfect. All I wanted was to be with you. I love you so much, Jim."

"I love you too. More than anything, Claire."

He gave her a long, meaningful kiss, and they continued to dance the rest of the night.

Woo. That was a long one. That turned out to be more of a short story, than a one-shot. If you haven't heard the song, it's the link here. Trying to post more often. MORE CONTENT COMING SOON!

Oatmeal Out!

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