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Harry stepped into the doorway, ducking behind some storage shelves when he heard voices. Draco's he recognized, he was sure of that, but who was the other?
Was that-- Pansy? And what was she saying?
"Malfoy, you really are ridiculous. No one can possibly know, alright? No one-- Oh, come here. It's alright Draco." She softened her tone. "It's okay to be human. He doesn't know you like him. And neither does--"
"But you can't bloody well know that unless you ask him, though, yeah?" Draco spat. "He--" He cocked his head. "I hear something..... nevermind."
Harry knew that Draco was gay. He remembered the day he found out.

Harry and Draco were third years. It was Christmas night and everyone was free to roam about but hardly anyone was. Except Harry, Draco, and Dean. All were quite drunk. Harry stumbled across the two making out in the second floor corridor across the hall from the Slytherin common room. At first they didn't notice him, Harry watched Draco pulled away. He was crying. Dean was confused but a bit red in the face. "I'm sorry. Did I do something? What is it?"
Draco sighed. "It's just-- I dunno. I don't feel that way about you. I -- I'm quite drunk. You should go."
Dean looked hurt for a second, but shrugged and walked away. When Draco saw that he was gone, he slid down the wall to sit, hugging his knees. He was openly sobbing with his hands running through his hair.
Harry heard the faintest whisper of, "no one loves me" before he stepped into the light, heart broken for him.

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