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Draco's guard was up in seconds, that same old familiar sneer plastered across his face.
"Potter," he scoffed. "And what the hell d'you think you're doing? Spying on a slytherin? This will lose you house points."
"Wait," Harry said. "I heard you talking to Dean. I saw you..." He trailed off, unsure of what to say to keep from overstepping. "Draco, I know we aren't friends, but if you ever want to talk, as classmates, then, well, I'm here." He paused. "Are you.. gay? Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but, ah, you know, it helps to talk with someone, to figure it out-"
"It's not a fucking mental illness, it's just who I am. And no one else can know. So don't fucking tell a soul or I will personally see to it that you die once and for all," Draco spat. He softened his voice. "And what would you know about it, Potter?"
"Well, ah, I haven't really told anyone this, but, um, I'm gay as well." It took a moment for Draco to wipe the surprise off his face. His eyes flashed hopeful for a second, but went back to being hateful so fast maybe Harry had imagined it. He held out his hand to help Draco up, and after a second, Draco took it. Was it just Draco's imagination, or was there lightning in Harry's touch that lingered in their clasped hands for a beat too long? Was it just Harry's imagination, or did Draco's body soften as they stood close in the dark, hands still interlocked? Harry's eyes were drawn to Draco's lips, which he was biting down on in a-- was that a come on? Was he trying to get Harry to kiss him?
Draco stood close to Harry in the dim light, noticing for not the first time, how his hair covered his ears and was down almost to his neck. Draco ached to tuck it behind his ear. He noticed he was biting his lip only when he saw Harry's eyes trail down his face, first his cheekbones, to his ears, then his jawline, and finally his lips. Draco wanted Harry with every fiber of his being, wanted to trace his cheeks with soft fingers, wanted to look deep in his eyes, and more than all, just wanted to kiss him.
Harry noticed, also not for the first time, how attractive Draco had become in the last couple years. He unconsciously put his had on Malfoy's chest, and the surprising warmth comforted Harry. Draco had to concentrate on not gasping of pleasure when Harry's hand touched his chest.
Someone coughed. It was not Harry or Draco. They were not alone.

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