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Your POV:
Jun texted me that he would pick me up at the airport when I arrived. I got out of the plane and made my way to get my luggage. I couldn't wait to see Jun again! I've seen pictures and videos of him because of Seventeen, obviously, but the last time I actually saw him in person, was eleven years ago. Since then, he had quite the glow-up and turned into a really handsome guy. The more I thought about that, the more insecure I got. Compared to him and the other members of Seventeen, I looked like a walrus in clothes. Speaking of clothes, I should've dressed better, I mean, I want to make a good impression. All those thoughts started racing through my head and I got more nervous by the second. What if they don't like me? What if Jun doesn't like me anymore? Maybe all the fame got to his head and he changed more than I might think. Surely, that wouldn't happen...right?
I spotted my luggage and headed towards the exit after grabbing it. I wondered if Seventeen was as nice and loving as they seemed on TV or if Hansol was as big of a dork as he seemed. A cute dork. I was sure they were all amazing, I just hoped they'd think the same about me. I was standing in front of the exit and Jun was most likely standing behind the door right now. I pulled out my phone and quickly fixed my hair in the camera once more before heading out. Here goes nothing. Crowds of people were waiting there, some with signs or flowers, waiting for their friends and family to arrive. I scanned the sea of people for the tall, brown haired idol until I spotted the familiar face waving me over. He was grinning like a five year old when I ran over and hugged him tightly. "Oh my god (Y/n)! I missed you so much. It's been so long!", he hugged me back just as tight. "Too long.", I replied, grinning just as much as him. All the worried thoughts I had a moment ago were completely washed away and replaced by pure excitement and happiness. Jun took my suitcase from me and escorted me to his car outside of the airport. "So you came to pick me up alone?", I asked, a little nervous to meet them. Jun chuckled at my visible nervousness. "They're cleaning up the dorm. They really wanna make a good impression, but don't worry I'm sure they'll fail." I laughed with him while we both got into his car. It looked even more expensive from the inside and I couldn't help but let out an impressed 'oooh'. "I'm happy you like the car, cause it's gonna be yours as well, once you've moved in." He just smirked at my shocked expression. This was already going way better than I expected and knowing that the other Seventeen members were just as nervous to make a good first impression as I was, made me feel a lot better. Jun and I spent the rest of the ride catching up. He told me about the life of an idol, touring and performing for their giant fanbase, and a little about the other members. I told him about my past college plans, but dropping those to come to Korea. Time flew by very fast and before I knew it, we were at the Seventeen dorm. The time to meet the other twelve idols came. Jun opened the door for me and led me into an elevator that brought us straight up to the rooms.
This was it.

Love decides for itself // {Hansol Vernon}Where stories live. Discover now