Important Information: He's Not Happy (1)

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Luckily for Lucian, she didn't have many of these moments.

Lucian Valera, twenty, Jedi Knight, and up for the challenge.

This challenge just happened to be the sort of.. being a General in the current war of the galaxy. Said galaxy had resorted to using the Jedi as their generals and as their warriors. Sometimes it would succeed, sometimes it would not. Today would be another day to see if there was even a possibility.

Seven in the morning, bright and early. Lucian was stood in front of the Jedi Council, clad in her dark blue Jedi robes. A comfortable set, compared to the beiges that she was used to.

"Late, Anakin Skywalker is." Jedi Master Yoda comments on the missing piece to the puzzle.

Lucian nods. "It's hardly a surprise, is it now, Master?" She chuckles.

The doors to the Council room open, and in walks a slightly disheveled Anakin Skywalker in his signature black and brown Jedi robes. He nods once to Lucian, and bows to his masters. The Jedi Knight, as respectful as ever.

"Five minutes behind schedule, Anakin. That's better than usual." Obi Wan, Anakin's previous master remarks.

Anakin runs a hand through his longer, dark hair. "I know, how kind of me."

Almost every Master in the room rolls their eyes at the Knight. And Lucian, who already can't stand Anakin Skywalker.

Lucian's own Master would not be very pleased with Anakin, and would scold him much faster than Obi Wan would have. Her master having been Aayla Secura, who is now a General in the Grand Army of the Republic.

The same position that would be.. rewarded, in a way, to Anakin and Lucian.

If you could really call it a reward.

Lucian liked to reward herself with sorts of things. Extra hours in training rooms, beginning to study new lightsaber forms and techniques. On the other hand, Anakin saw this new General thing as a reward. Like how some would see nights at the cantina a reward, and so on.

The duo didn't seem to agree on each other's presence already.

Wouldn't this be fun?

"Lucian, Anakin," Master Windu began,

"You're going to be Generals for the 501st Legion."

Lucian's eyes widen. "Both of us? Or on separate legions, Master?"

"Both of you. I suspect that it will prove to be a strength, having you two as.. partners." Master Windu confirms.

Anakin scoffs. "Don't you think we can do it on our own?"

Lucian has already come to accept the new partnership. While in the moment, she didn't appreciate it, she would go by whatever the council told her.

"And that, young Skywalker, is where we came up with the idea to pair you two together. You leave in the morning, eight sharp. Be there." Obi Wan orders.

Nodding, Lucian thanks the council. "Thank you, Masters. I will see this as a great honor."

The masters smile at Lucian's respect, yet scowl at Anakin's.

No surprise there.

Before they are dismissed, Master Yoda decides that he has another task for the pair.

"Get to know each other, today you will." He says, and dismisses.

As the two leave the Jedi Council's room, Lucian turns to walk to the training areas. Anakin is confused by her action.

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