30~She Will Follow Me Everywhere (last chapter)

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I stood up from the temple and went upstairs. I was passing by the twins' locked room and didn't realize when the door creaked open on its own and I felt a hand wrapped around my wrist and I was pulled inside the room and my mouth was also palmed, I was pushed on my old bed. The lights were switched on and I felt the door was also shut. I sat up and saw that it was Tara who brought me there. "Hmm so twin sister, sorry that I ruined your plan of going and sleeping peacefully, I only ruined a small plan of yours but you.. You ruined my whole life."

"Tara I haven't done it knowingly," I said. "So I also didn't love Mayank aka Deep knowingly and then I also didn't love Virat knowingly, I also didn't made love with him knowingly that the next day I will no more be called his," she said angrily. I stood up and hugged her cryingly. "Tara please, I also won't want your sadness, am your sister after all," I said and suddenly she made me leave her and pushed me on the bed, I fell back on bed such that I was in a sitting position.

"Tara when someone does a mistake unknowingly and even apologizes for it then you should forgive, but no you won't forgive, right? Fine, I will tell Deep that Deepika wasn't his child since the first birth, I will tell Virat that the child belonged to him," I said and stood up and started leaving from there but then stopped and turned to look back at her. "Don't you dare to do any of it, I don't want to lose my Virat, I don't want his hatred," Tara said and pushed me out.

I held the railing as I stumbled and looked at her. She closed the door giving me a hateful glare. The lights were switched off. I knocked on the door. "Tara open the door, I know you're inside, you still live in there, open the door," I said and waited for her response. "Fine, I will go and tell Deep and Virat," I said and the door opened and this time no one pulled me inside, Tara was nowhere, even the lights were switched off. "Tara," I spoke calling for her and somehow I started walking inside with a racing heart.

"Tara," I said again hoping for her to come out. "Don't joke with me," I said while walking forward and I startled and shivered as she appeared in front of me all of a sudden, she was laughing at me for being scared. "Why did you come here when I asked you to go?" she asked still laughing and I stood still scared from her. "OK fine, you were missing me so you came, but..," she said and came forward wrapping her arm around my shoulders and turned me as we walked to one of the single bed there.

We sat down. "I can do one more thing, do you know what can I do?" she asked me and I nodded in negative shivering badly. "Do you want to see?" she asked and I nodded slowly. She brought her hands closer to my eyes and I closed my eyes, I felt her hands touch my eyes and I opened my eyes and was sleepy all of a sudden. "How did you do this Tara? I wasn't sleepy a few time ago," I said feeling drowsy. "Magic, you forgot I am a ghost, I can do anything baby," she said.

"But Tara I can't sleep here that you made me sleepy," I said totally irritated by her. "So what should I do? Should I lift you?" she asked. "What joke is this Tara?" I asked and she hugged me making me more sleepy. Her touch was making me more and more sleepy. Everything was blacking out in front of my eyes, I couldn't even fight back. Darkness engulfed me and I was falling asleep. She threw me on the bed such that my head was adjusted on the pillow. I kept looking at her as she waved at me victoriously.

Next morning, I woke up from someone who was shaking me gently. I sat up with a jolt and saw that it was Deep. I saw that I was in my own room. "Deep," I said almost in a whisper and hugged him. "Aarohi, you know what? I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that you weren't in our room, I searched for you everywhere except for the locked rooms. When I came there, I saw that you were sleeping on one bed and on other bed, there was Tara, why you went to sleep there?"

"Deep I was just coming upstairs when she pulled me inside and after talking rudely, she pushed me outside, but I again went to talk to her, door opened on its own and I went inside and she scared me and all of a sudden she made me sleepy by her touch and I had no power left to walk," I told him. "Don't worry, nothing such will happen like that now, you go freshen up, we have to go after two hours," he said. I stood up and freshened up and had a quick breakfast. I went to look at all the rooms for the last time.

Firstly, I went to the twins room. I saw my every old moment there. My childhood was there, I saw my old self jumping on one bed and on other bed, Tara was jumping and we jumped from the beds and had a high five. I saw Tara showering flowers on me. I smiled and took photos of the room. I went from there and looked down the staircase. I saw our birthday near the staircase and also saw Tara showing her necklace and I showed her my necklace but she was angry.

She boiled in anger and came up the stairs. I (my present self) palmed my mouth and tried to stop her but she vanished. I looked down getting teary eyed and went in the twins room and opened the cupboard. There were many clothes inside. I looked for the necklace Deep gifted me in my previous birth. I found it finally and took it. I saw one more necklace and it had my and Tara's photo. I hid them in my pockets and went outside. Well I took everything I needed and as I was thinking how I will never see this house again, two hours passed by.

Now it was time for us to go. We poured kerosene everywhere in the house and burnt up the house. We went from there and took a taxi and went to airport. We waited for our flight and finally it was time for us to leave this country forever. We went through a passage to reach the aeroplane and sat on our respective seats. I was somehow happy and sad at the same time. I felt incomplete. Somewhere, deep down, I knew burning the house won't help, she will follow me everywhere.

A/N: So I end this story here, will definitely come up with a sequel and an epilogue.

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