~CH.5~ Relief

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Ambi snatched the clock out sheet , and sighed in relief. It had been a long day and she was glad the day was over as quickly as it had begun.  Ambi was heading out the door forgetting that she had no way home .

"Shit!" Ambi said out loud

Ambi began to grow frustrated again. Ross hadn't even bothered to call or send a simple text, offering to pick her up.

"Heading out Ambi ?" Shaun asked as his suit jacket draped over his long arm.

"Well I thought I was, but I'm just going to wait for my boyfriend ." Ambi said in embarrassment . Here he was again standing her up and making her look like a fool.

"Come on , Ill drop you off." Shaun insisted .

"No Ross said he'll come for me I just have to wait a few more minutes." Ambi said nodding her head as if she was trying to convince herself more than her boss .

Shaun furrowed his brows together.
"Ambi please just come , I promise your in good hands."

Ambi hesitated for a moment finally giving in.

"Okay." Ambi said picking up her purse.

Hopping inside of the Range Rover, Ambi was in awe once more .

The car was truly a beauty.

"This car is so beautiful." Ambi complimented .

"Thank you, I worked hard for it , and it's also beautiful like you ." Shaun said mentally slapping hisself for saying something like that.

Ambi swallowed the lump that formed in her throat.

"Um thanks."

"My bad I didn't mean to over step my boundaries ." Shaun said glancing over at Ambi to see her facial expression .

"It's okay." Ambi chuckled.

"Mind if I stop to get a bite to eat ? I'm starving ." Shaun said taking the first few buttons loose of his shirt.

Ambi thought for a moment before she realized she left her wallet on the dresser back at home .

Ambi crinkled her forehead.

"I don't have any cash on me ." Ambi was in utterly embarrassment . First walking in the rain, now flat out broke the man has to think she wants a hand out.

"Nah you good , who said you was paying ." Shaun smiled .


Patrica layed her black dress on the counter to check out. Tonight her and Zayne were going out, and Patricia wanted to seem somewhat presentable.

"That'll be $300" the chirpy cashier said looking towards Patricia.

Patrica looked inside of her wallet noticing she was missing some money.

"Shit ! Shit ! Shit!." Patricia semi-yelled.

"Something wrong ?" The white lady asked and glanced towards security .

"Um no I'm going to try my debit card ." Patricia said swiping it only for it to decline .

"No let me try another card." Patricia said taking out her American Express. Patricia swiped it with relief .

"I'm sorry mam it declined again." The cashier said .

"What?!? No this can't be happening right now !" Patricia's screamed in outraged.


Ross sat on the sofa flipping through channels . He glanced at his phone to check the time and it was way past 3:30 the time that Ambi was normally home.

Ross sent Ambi a text becoming curious .

To Amb:
Where you at?

To babe :
Be home later

Ross rolled his eyes and decided to go check on Amber , I'm sure she'll appreciate some flowers he said to himself snatching them up.

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