~CH.13~oh Mother !

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Piper rubbed his goatee, smiling allowing his grill to shine against his 2018 Mercedes Benz . Piper couldn't lie , life was good right now it was what it should be . He was on top . And wasn't nobody bringing him down. He had a new supplier from Columbia . His family was straight . His profit double over the past 6 months and he had all of the bitches that he wanted at his feet. No lie piper could get any woman he wanted . His honey golden skin went well with his bottom gold grill and plump pink lips . His eyes were slightly slanted and his green eyes could drive any woman insane . No doubt he was feeling this one chick Nicki . She seemed like a good girl and that's what Piper wanted by his side . He didn't know If she was woman enough to change his ways though , he had always been a ladies man. Piper pushed all of the thoughts of Nicki to the back of his head spotting this fine Red bone walking in the dark alone .

Damn! Shit she fine as fuck . Piper said to himself keeping his eyes fixated on her.

Piper stopped his car rolling down the window.

"Aye wassuh witcha ? You need a ride ." Piper said licking his lips .

"Nah I'm good." Ambi rolled her eyes .

Piper was taken aback , ain't no bitch ever turned him down. Piper was finna speed off on her ass , but decided against it .

"Look mama I don't bite , getcha hot ass In the car before ah nigga try to  getcha!." Piper said trying to sound as sweet as possible . If he was lucky he was hoping she would drop her panties the first night.

Ambi thought about it for a second before hopping into the nice Mercedes .

"Now was that so hard ?" Piper smiled speeding off into the darkness .

Piper grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to Nicki.

Aye mama change of plans gotta go make a drop

Fye head Nicki:
yea sure🙄

Piper didn't give a shit if Nicki was mad, she really could kiss his ass for all he care.

"You hungry ?" Piper asked

Ambi didn't say a word , she just continued to stare out the window .

"Where you live at mama ?" Piper asked still trying to spark up a conversation .

"Nowhere ." Ambi quickly blurted out.

"Whatcha name is ?" Piper questioned rubbing his goatee with one hand on the steering wheel .


Piper smiled this was gone be a long night, he was always up for a challenge .

Momma Patricia checked her phone again to see if Ambi had tried to contact her in any way. She didn't want Ambi to be upset with her, she was only trying to protect her . She just prayed Ross didn't go running his mouth to her . Like he promised her.

"You alright babe?." Zayne asked sitting down at the big kitchen table.

"Mmhm." Patrica nodded her head.

"Don't worry about Ambi , I'm sure she's fine she's 24 years old , you know how they are at that age." Zayne said rubbing his fingers against Patricia's long weave.

"Yeah your right." Patricia thought for a second before looking up into Zayns eyes.

"I have something I wanna ask you ." Zayn  said growing nervous .

"What is it , you can tell me anything ."  Patrica said growing impatient.

"Will you marry me?." Zayn asked taking out a four karat  ring that was gold around the edges .

The ring shined in Patricas face , she had to admit it was beautiful , but she Also knew she couldn't accept it . Guilt layed on her chest .

"Will you ?." Zayn questioned again smiling warm.

"Yes Zayn I will . Yes ."

Zayn jumped up and hugged Patrica lifting her up off her feet . She was the best thing that had ever happened to him he thought.

All the spinning around caused Patrica to feel nauseous .

"Put mr Down Zayn ." Patricia mumbled .

"No baby why."

"I said put me the hell down ." Patrica said breaking loose from Zayn's hold .

Making it to the bathroom , Patricia emptied out the contents of her stomach from earlier .

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