*Chapter 1 Coraline's POV*

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Coraline was walking down the hall of Goode High. She was touring the school for a new girl named Alice, who would be in her year. Since they had pretty similar schedules, Coraline figured she would try and get to know this girl, "So where did you move from?"

This Alice character seemed familiar in some way... maybe she should ask some questions and obviously become this girls friend.

Alice responded, "New York."

Coraline said, "You've always been in New York?"

Alice nodded, "Yep."

Coraline responded with a cheerful, "Cool! So have I!"


Coraline gave her a small smile, "You're shy, aren't you?"


"Oh. Are you uncomfortable with new people?" Coraline guessed.


"So why did you move here?"

"Does it matter?" Alice said, a bit annoyed.

Coraline sighed. High school was way harder than middle school, and she just realized that Alice looked familiar because of her being rumored about for exploding her old school and being violent.

"Hey, weren't you on the news once for something?" Coraline asked, trying to hide her curiosity. Key word: TRIED.

Alice replied, "So what? Why do you care?"

Coraline chewed on her bottom lip, "You just seemed familiar from somewhere... It was bugging me. But clearly you are who I was thinking of, you should never try to lie to me, I have very good people skills. But I don't really care about that. I mean, the past is in the past, right?"

"Whatever," Alice said. "Go away."

Coraline dug her teeth into her lip tighter. "I'd be giving you some space right now, but I have to show you around so you won't get lost."

Alice sighed. "Fine," she said, clenching her fists and furrowing her eyebrows together.

"Sorry if I'm being annoying. I'm just trying to figure out what Drew will think of you."

"Drew?" Alice said, shocked out of her mind.

"Yup, do you know her? Her Majesty The Butthead?" Coraline said, distaste clear in her voice.

Coraline had been pointing out all the places they where at while they were talking.

"Know her? It's kind of hard to not know her when she goes around flipping her hair in front of everyone's face," Alice scowled.

Coraline rolls her eyes, "Ugh. I know, right? Her hair shampoo doesn't even smell good!"

"Stop trying to be my friend!" Alice huffs, but then mumbles, " It doesn't does it?"

Coraline grinned, "So true."

"Shut up," Alice grumbled. "And wipe that smile off your face." Alice added.

Coraline laughs, "I had a cousin just like you! Me and that cousin are now Best buds, I'll be pleased to tell you, Miss Ice Maiden!"

"Excuse me?"

"Teasing!" Coraline singsonged.

"Urgh. When is this tour over?"

"When we get to our classroom, two looooooong halls from now!"

Alice groans and stares up at the ceiling. "Why me?"she asks.

Coraline shrugs, "because we're going to become the closest of friends!!"

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